ESG Report 2019

CULTIVATING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE As a pharmaceutical manufacturer, the organized a tug of war competition, Group attaches the greatest importance to billiards contest and other sports public health. The Group has established a competitions to encourage employees to number of associations such as the develop a good habit of loving sports, Badminton Association, Basketball health and life. In addition, the Group also Association, Mountaineering Association, actively participated in various sports and organized a number of internal sports activities and competitions in the events, athletics and other activities to community. For example, the basketball promote a sporty and healthy culture team of Zhuhai Company participated in within the Company. For example, Zhuhai t h e Te n t h Em p l o y e e B a s k e t b a l l Company organized the "Flying Swallow Tournament of the Jinwan District Cup" badminton tournament, "Ping Ping Federation of Trade Unions, and Inner with Happiness and Brilliance" table tennis Mongolia Company arranged employees team competition; Zhongshan Company to join the 2019 Bayannur International organized the "United Cup" badminton Marathon to encourage the public to t e am c omp e t i t i o n a n d b a s k e t b a l l develop healthy habits. competition; Inner Mongolia Company In order to strengthen the environmental awareness of the general public, advocate the concept of "Improving Environmental Q u a l i t y a n d P r o m o t i n g G r e e n Development", and publicize environmental protection to the community, Inner Mongolia Company participated in a series of promotional activities of Bayannur's "5th June World Environment Day" during the Year. With the theme “A Doer for Beautiful China”, the Environment Day calls on all sectors of society to jointly practise the philosophy of green development and fulfill environmental protection responsibilities. Inner Mongolia Company provided consultations on environmental protection to the public by distributing brochures and on-site explanations at the event, and publicized the Group's environmental protection work and effectiveness. The publicity campaign promotes environmental awareness such as green consumption, low-carbon travel, and the disposal of disposable items while raising corporate reputation, hoping to build a green and harmonious home with the community, and i n t eg r a t e en v i r onmen t a l p r o t e c t i on concepts into daily life. PROMOTING ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 52 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2019 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited