ESG Report 2019
STRENGTHENING WASTE MANAGEMENT FLY ASH AND WASTE SALT STORAGE PROJECT – Industrial solid wastes such as fly ash, slag, station fly ash storage yard as required by desulfurization gypsum, inorganic sludge, and laws and regulations. At present, the industrial waste salt are produced during the production solid waste surplus of Inner Mongolia process and power generation of Inner Company is increasing, so it is necessary to Mongolia Company. Such wastes can be partly build a fly ash and waste salt storage yard sold to local brick factories and cement project to unify the storage of solid waste and factories as raw materials, while the remaining avoid causing environmental pollution. wastes are stored in the company's power The newly built solid waste storage yard prevent air pollution. The major wastewater project has specific air pollution prevention produced by the project is leachate, which is and treatment measures, wastewater pollution collected and undergoes sedimentation in the prevention and treatment measures and leachate collection tank, and all the leachate e c o l o g i c a l e n v i r o nme n t a l p r o t e c t i o n collected is reused for alcohol and water dust measures. Around the yard, there are fences, suppression in the storage area. The bottom wind and dust suppression nets, ceilings, sludge is transferred back and stacked up in alcohol and water spraying equipment for dust the solid waste yard to avoid polluting the suppression, greening isolation belts and surrounding environment. various air pollution prevention measures to Inner Mongolia Company entrusted a qualified constructed fly ash and waste salt storage third-party enterprise to undertake the yard project is an industrial solid waste project's environmental impact assessment storage yard that strictly adheres to laws and work, and conducted a fair analysis and regulations. It is equipped with specific evaluation of the project's environmental atmospheric and wastewater pollution impacts through on-site data collection and prevention and treatment measures and investigation. The evaluation conclusion was e c o l o g i c a l e n v i r o nme n t a l p r o t e c t i o n approved by the Environmental Protection measures, which can safely store fly ash and Authority as the basis for environmental waste salt. management of this project. The newly 58 BACKGROUND PROJECT STATUS OBJECTIVES AND EFFECTIVENESS Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2019 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited