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Dairy Farm's
core strategy is
to focus on
food retailing
and drugstore


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Back to Annual Report Listing



  • Improvement in operating cash flow and earnings per share
  • Franklins recovery underway
  • Disposal of Simago and Nestlé Dairy Farm
  • Indonesian supermarket chain interest acquired
  • Sale of Somerfield stake

    Sales 6,888 6,968 -1
    Profit after taxation, minority interests and preference dividends 116 28 315
    Net profit excluding discontinued activities and exceptional items 154 138 11
    Capital expenditure and investments (gross) 235 261 -10
    Shareholders' funds 1,250 1,247 ---

    US˘ US˘ %
    Earnings per ordinary share 6.45 1.60 303
    Earnings per ordinary share excluding discontinued activities
    and exceptional items
    8.59 7.94 8
    Cash flow per ordinary share from operating activities 24.10 16.66 45
    Dividends per ordinary share 6.00 6.00 ---
    Net asset value per ordinary share 56.89 59.11 -4

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