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    Directors' Interest and Other Regulatory Information

    Directors' Interests
    At 31st December 1997, the Directors of the Company had the interests set out below in the share capitals of the Company and its holding companies, Jardine Strategic Holdings Limited ("Jardine Strategic") and Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited ("Jardine Matheson"), and fellow subsidiary Mandarin Oriental International Limited ("Mandarin Oriental"). These interests were beneficial except where otherwise indicated.

The Company Jardine Strategic Jardine Matheson Mandarin
black line graphic black line graphic black line graphic black line graphic
preference shares
Warrants Ordinary

Simon Keswick 70,699 8 7,181 725 26,905,081 16,124
19,661* 2,719,991*
Aladair Morrison 203,905 -- -- -- 616,367 --
Henry Keswick -- -- -- -- 6,833,009 --
Dr George C G Koo 41,649 -- 136,283 15,072 20,482 31,522
R C Kwok 104,052 9 72,015 7,272 56,552 38,106
C G R Leach -- -- 52,962 5,375 703,784 --
Owen Price 60,564 22 -- -- -- --

    In addition:
    (a) At 31st December 1997, Ronald J Floto, G J Bowler and Edouard Ettedgui held options in respect of 4,354,137,250,000 and 1,500,000 ordinary shares, respectively, issued pursuant to the Company's Senior Executive Share Incentive Schemes.
    (b) At 31st December 1997, Alasdair Morrison, Norman Lyle, Sir Charles Powell and James Watkins held options in respect of 205,000, 300,000, 400,000, and 300,000 ordinary shares, respectively, in Jardine Matheson issued pursuant to that company's Senior Executive Share Incentive Schemes.
    (c) At 31st December 1997, Simon Keswick, Alasdair Morrison, Henry Keswick, R C Kwok, C G R Leach, Norman Lyle, Sir Charles Powell and James Watkins had deemed interests in 35,915,991 ordinary shares in Jardine Matheson as discretionary objects under a trust, the income of which is available for distribution to senior executive officers and employees of Jardine Matheson and its wholly-owned subsidiaries.
    (d) Upon his appointment as a Director on 16th March 1998, George Joseph Ho had a beneficial interest in 20,000 ordinary shares in the Company. He also had a beneficial interest in 4,400 ordinary shares in Jardine Matheson at that date which were sold on 15th April 1998.
    (e) On 26th March 1998, Edouard Ettedgui was granted options in respect of a further 200,000 ordinary shares issued pursuant to the Company's Senior Executive Share Incentive Schemes.
    (f) On 27th March 1998, Norman Lyle was granted options in respect of a further 100,000 ordinary shares in Jardine Matheson issued pursuant to that Company's Senior Executive Share Incentive Schemes.

    Save as disclosed, there were no changes in the above interests between the end of the financial year and 21st April 1998.

    Directors' Appointments, Remuneration and Service Contracts
    Ronald J Floto was appointed joint Managing Director of the Company with effect from 11th June 1997. James Watkins, Norman Lyle and George Joseph Ho were appointed as Directors of the Company with effect from 11th June 1997, 4th July 1997 and 16th March 1998 respectively. Gregory J Terry, C I Cowan and Chris Nelson retired from the Board on 30th April 1997, 4th July 1997 and 16th March 1998 respectively. In accordance with Bye-Lay 85, R C Kwok and C G R Leach retire by rotation at the Annual General Meeting and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election. In accordance with Bye-Law 92, Ronald J Floto, George Joseph Ho, Norman Lyle and James Watkins will also retire and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election.

    Ronald J Floto has a service contract with Dairy Farm Management Services Limited for a minimum period of three years from 29th May 1997. None of the other Directors proposed for re-election has a service contract with any Group company which is of more than one year's duration.

    For the year ended 31st December 1997, the Directors received remuneration and benefits in kind payable by the Group which amounted to US$3.8 million (1996: US$4.7 million).

    Substantial Shareholders
    The Company has been informed pursuant to the share interest disclosure obligations incorporated in Part XVII of the statutory Bermuda Take over Code governing the Company that Jardine Strategic and its subsidiary undertakings were interested directly and indirectly in 1,027,251,630 ordinary shares representing 54.92% of the Company's current issued ordinary share capital. By virtue of its interest in Jardine Strategic, Jardine Matheson was deemed to be interested in the same number of ordinary shares at that date. In addition, Templeton Global Investors Inc. has notified the Company that it is interested in 259,509,959 ordinary shares representing 13.88% of the Company's current issued ordinary share capital. Apart from these share holdings, the Company is not aware of any notifiable interest in 3% or more of the issued ordinary share capital of the Company as at 21st April 1998.

    The Bermuda Take over Code which governs the Company provides for the disclosure of interests in shares of the Company. The obligation to disclose arises if and when a person is interested in 3% (or, in certain circumstances, 10%) or more of the shares of the same class. The higher limit of 10% applies, in broad terms, to a person authorised to manage investments under an investment management agreement or where such person is the operator of an authorised collective investment scheme.

    Jardine Matheson Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jardine Matheson, provides management consultancy services to the Group in consideration of a fee of 0.5% per annum of the Group's net profit after taxation and minority interests. Jardine Matheson Ltd. also provides general administrative, legal and company secretarial services.

    There were no contracts of significance with corporate substantial Shareholders during the year under review.

    Securities Purchase Arrangements
    At the Annual General Meeting held on 11th June 1997, Shareholders renewed the approval of a general mandate authorising the Directors to effect purchases of the Company's own ordinary shares up to a limit of 15% in aggregate of its issued share capital.

    Arrangements under which Shareholders have agreed to waive dividends
    The Trustee of the Company's Senior Executive Share Incentive Schemes has waived the interim dividend and recommended final dividend for 1997 on the ordinary shares held by it.

    Annual General Meeting
    The full text of the resolutions and explanatory notes of the 1998 Annual General Meeting are contained in the Notice of Meeting which is set out on following pages.

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