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To: Business Editor For immediate release


Bermuda, 30th September 1999 - At the Special General Meeting of Dairy Farm International Holdings Limited held today, the ordinary resolution approving the payment of a Special Dividend of USą9.65 per existing Ordinary Share and the consolidation of every ten existing Ordinary Shares of USą5 each into nine new Ordinary Shares of USą5 5/9 each ("Share Consolidation") was duly passed.

The payment of the Special Dividend will be made to all shareholders on the register of members at the close of business on Friday, 8th October 1999 (the "Record Date").

In addition to the Special Dividend, an Interim Dividend has been declared by the Board and will be paid in accordance with normal practice. Both dividends will be paid on Tuesday, 23rd November 1999.

The Share Consolidation will take place immediately after the close of business on the Record Date. Dealings in the new Ordinary Shares arising from the Share Consolidation, marked ex-Special Dividend and ex-Interim Dividend, are expected to begin on the Stock Exchange of Singapore on Monday, 4th October 1999 and on the London Stock Exchange on Monday, 11th October 1999.

Dairy Farm International is a leading food and drugstore retailer in the Asia-Pacific Region. At 30th June 1999, the Group and its associates operated 1,926 outlets, principally supermarkets, convenience stores and drugstores, employed some 72,500 people in nine countries and had 1998 sales of US$6.6 billion.

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For further information, please contact:

Dairy Farm Management Services Limited
Ian Durant(852) 2299 1896 (office)
Forrest International Limited
David Dodwell(852) 9168 8973 (mobile)

Full text of this and other Group announcements can be accessed through the Internet at "".

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