David Humann Chairman
Mr Humann joined Mincor on 30 September 1999 as a non-executive director and chairman. Mr Humann is a Chartered Accountant and was Chairman and Senior Partner of Price Waterhouse (Hong Kong and China) from 1986 until 1994. He was also the Managing Partner of Price Waterhouse, Asia Pacific Region, and a member of the World Board of Price Waterhouse and of the firm's 12 person World Executive Management Committee. Mr Humann is a member of the boards of a number of public and private companies.
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David Moore Managing Director
David Moore has been Managing Director and CEO of Mincor Resources since October 1999. Mr Moore trained as a geologist at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. He spent 13 years with Billiton in Africa and South America, working in various disciplines related to mineral exploration, including target generation, exploration and project management, new business development and strategic planning. He joined Iscor Limited in 1996 and established Iscor's Australasian exploration portfolio. During 1999 he founded Mincor Resources through the ASX listing of Iscor's exploration assets. He became Mincor's Managing Director and has since directed the growth of that Company into one of Australia's premier nickel producers. In 2000 Moore founded Tethyan Copper Company Limited and as managing director oversaw the successful growth of that Company from start-up until its friendly takeover by Barrick and Antofagasta in 2006.
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John (Jack) Gardner Non-executive Director
Mr Gardner graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1962 with a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) degree. He also holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Curtin University, Western Australia. After holding directorships and senior management positions with Hawker Siddeley Engineering Pty Ltd, Comsteel Vickers/ANI, Minproc Engineers Pty Ltd and Broken Hills Metals NL between 1970 and 1990, he formed his own engineering consultancy. He has consulted on many gold and base metal projects both in Australia and overseas. He is currently actively involved in the Norwegian Company, Kenor ASA, as Chief Mining Engineer with interests in a 1,500km2 concession in Guinea, including one operating gold mine.
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Ian Burston Non-executive Director
Ian Burston has over 30 years experience in the extractive and related industries; his prior positions included Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Aurora Gold Ltd, Chief Executive Officer of Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines; Vice President - WA Business Development of CRA Ltd and Managing Director of Hamersley Iron Pty Limited. During the past 10 years, he has been a Director of the Esperance Port Authority.
Ian was awarded the Western Australian Citizen of the Year (category of Industry and Commerce) in 1992; the Order of Australia (General Division) in 1993 and an Honorary Doctor of Science (Curtin) in 1995.
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Steve Cowle Chief Operating Officer
Mr Cowle is a geologist with over 20 years experience in the nickel and gold mining industry. His experience includes mine geology, exploration, business development, planning and operations general management. He has worked at Fimiston, Mt Magnet, Kambalda and Leinster. More recently he oversaw the construction of and managed the development and operation of the Carosue Dam Project.
Since joining Mincor in December 2003, he has overseen the restructuring of the Kambalda Operations to deliver improved safety, efficiency and productivity.
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Graham Fariss General Manager, Corporate Development
Mr Fariss graduated as a civil engineer from the University of Western Australia in 1979 and added a Masters of Business Administration from the same university in 1989. He joined Mincor in May 2006 as General Manager, Corporate Development after having served as General Manager, Corporate Finance with Tethyan Copper Company Limited (which he joined in December 2004). Graham previously held a number of senior finance and business development positions with Clough Limited over a 15 year period which commenced in 1990. His diverse experience in the resource, construction and engineering sectors over the past 26 years has included an exposure to business practices in Indonesia, Pakistan and South Africa.
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Mike Hildebrand General Manager, Kambalda Operations
Mr Hildebrand is a Mining Engineer with more than 15 years experience in underground and surface mining. He joined Mincor in July 2006 and has filled a variety of management, operational and planning roles with Rio Tinto, Pasminco and Newmont. Mike has worked in large and small scale underground mines in gold and base metals, and is responsible for Mincor's Kambalda mining operations.
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Robert Hartley Projects Manager
Mr Hartley has over 20 years experience in the mining and exploration industry. He has held prior positions with Cyprus Gold, Arimco, Newcrest Mining and Iscor Australia. Rob has worked on projects in New Zealand, Fiji, Vanuatu, Soloman Islands and Proterozoic terrains of Australia. The latter 10 years have been as a development/project geologist involved in advanced feasibility study work and reserve estimates.
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Richard Hatfield Exploration Manager, Regional
Mr Hatfield has an M.Sc. degree in geology and has previously worked for Shell/Billiton, Rio Tinto and Iscor Australia. During his 8 years with Shell, he worked on and managed gold and base metal projects in 5 different countries in Africa and Indonesia. He then moved to Rio Tinto to manage diamond exploration programs in Western Australia before assuming a 2 year business development role with Iscor Australia. Richard joined Mincor at its inception as Exploration Manager, and is responsible for all of the Company's exploration activities.
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Brian Lynn Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary
Mr Lynn is a chartered accountant with over 17 years experience. He joined Mincor in May 2001 and is responsible for the financial, accounting, treasury, company secretarial and administrative functions of the Group. After completing his Bachelor of Business degree in 1985, Brian commenced his career with KPMG, one of the Big 5 chartered accounting firms. Brian held the position of Senior Audit Manager within KPMG's Energy and Natural Resources Group. Since leaving KPMG in 1994 Brian has held senior financial positions with companies involved in the mining industry, including gold and mineral sands.
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Peter Muccilli Exploration Manager, Nickel
Mr Muccilli is a geologist with over 15 years experience and has worked in gold, nickel, zinc and lead. He has previously worked for Samantha Gold, Resolute and Western Metals. Peter's experience includes mine geology (both open cut and underground), exploration and resource estimations. He worked extensively at the Lennard Shelf in the Kimberley and the Eastern Goldfields. Peter has been the commissioning mine geologist for a number of new mines, including the Chalice Gold Mine and Pillara Lead Zinc mine.
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Peter Teasdale General Manager, Otter Juan Nickel Mine
Peter Teasdale is a mining engineer with over 36 years experience in the mining industry. Having started his career with Mt Isa Mines, he has worked a large part of this time with WMC Resources where he held the roles of underground manager and production superintendent at Kambalda Nickel Operations, resident manager at Central Norseman Gold Corporation and later as project mining engineer for the WMC Gold Division based in Perth. He completed a Master of Engineering Science - Mining Geomechanics course in 2001. For the past 6 years Peter has been operations manager for Goldfields Mine Management which operated the Otter Juan/Coronet Mine at Kambalda.
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Dean Will Chief Mining Engineer
Mr Will has worked in the mining industry as an engineer for 20 years. Dean graduated with a BA of Engineering (Mining) and has completed his Masters of Business Administration (Honours) while working for Homestake Mining in San Francisco in 2002. Dean joined Mincor in late 2002 with broad responsibilities in the areas of mining engineering, project evaluations and contract management.
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