AVIC Joy Holdings (HK) Limited
(Formerly known as China Environmental Investment Holdings Limited)

Corporate Information       

Company Name AVIC Joy Holdings (HK) Limited
Registered Office and Principal Place of Business Unit 1905A, Level 19
International Commerce Centre
1 Austin Road West, Kowloon
Hong Kong
Sectors Energy Saving / Finance / Leasing
Phone Number (852) 2970 0220
Fax Number (852) 2970 1161
Financial Year End December 31
Board of Directors Executive Directors
Mr. CHANG Chien (Chairman)
Mr. LAM Toi Man
Mr. ZHU Chengye

Independent Non-Executive Directors
Mr. TO Chun Kei
Mr. LOK Tze Bong
Mr. CHEUNG Ting Pong
Company Secretary Mr. LEUNG Siu Kuen
Principal Bankers Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Share Registrars Tricor Tengis Limited
17/F, Far East Finance Centre
16 Harcourt Road
Hong Kong
HKEX Stock Code 260

updated as per Annual Report 2023

  • Company's Index

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