Annual Report 2020

China Merchants China Direct Investments Limited Annual Report 2020 117 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) For the year ended 31 December 2020 7. INVESTMENT INCOME (CONTINUED) The following is an analysis of investment income earned on financial assets, by category of asset: 2020 2019 US$ US$ Interest income for financial assets at amortised cost 393,668 905,655 Dividend income on financial assets at FVTPL 15,713,132 14,622,732 Total 16,106,800 15,528,387 8. SEGMENTAL INFORMATION The Group’s reportable segments, based on information reported to the chief operating decision maker for the purposes of resources allocation and performance assessment, are as follows: (a) Financial services: investees engaged in financial services activities. (b) Culture, media and consumption: investees engaged in culture, media and consumption activities. (c) Information technology: investees engaged in information technology activities. The Group also invested in manufacturing, energy and resources, pharmaceutical, agriculture and education activities (2019: manufacturing, energy and resources, agriculture and education activities), and none of these segments met the quantitative thresholds for the reportable segments in both current and prior years. Accordingly, these were grouped in “Others” during the current year. Investment in education segment was fully disposed of during 2020. Information regarding the above segments is reported below.