Annual Report 2020

China Merchants China Direct Investments Limited Annual Report 2020 130 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) For the year ended 31 December 2020 20. FINANCIAL LIABILITIES DESIGNATED AT FAIR VALUE THROUGH PROFIT OR LOSS The financial liabilities designated at FVTPL as at 31 December 2020 were related to the sub-participation agreements (the “ Sub-participation Agreements ”) entered into between the Company and the participants in respect of the investments by the Group in 北京銀廣通廣告有限公司 (Unibank Media Group Inc.), 武漢 日新科技股份有限公司 (Wuhan Rixin Technology Co., Ltd.), 華人文化 ( 天津 ) 投資管理有限公司 (China Media (Tianjin) Investment Management Co., Ltd.), 深圳吉陽智能科技有限公司 (Shenzhen Geesun Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.), 華人文化產業股權投資 ( 上海 ) 中心 ( 有限合夥 ) (China Media Creative Industry Private Equity (Shanghai) Centre (Limited Partnership)), 西安金源電氣股份有限公司 (Xi’an Jinpower Electrical Co., Ltd.), 華勁集團股份有限公司 (Hwagain Group Co., Ltd.), 新疆承天農牧業發展股份有限公司 (Xinjiang Chengtian Agriculture & Animal Husbandry Development Co., Ltd.), 東方明珠新媒體股份有限公司 (Oriental Pearl Media Co., Ltd.), 中建投租賃股份有限公司 (JIC Leasing Co., Ltd.), 中國再保險 ( 集團 ) 股份有限公 司 (China Reinsurance (Group) Corporation), 雲南金瀾湄國際旅遊投資開發有限公司 (Yunnan Jinlanmei International Travel Investment Development Co., Ltd.), 科大訊飛股份有限公司 (Iflytek Co., Ltd.), 安徽科訊 創業投資基金合夥企業 ( 有限合夥 ) (Anhui Iflytek Venture Capital LLP), 榮寶齋文化有限公司 (Rong Bao Zhai Culture Co., Ltd.), 青海省青海湖旅遊集團有限公司 (Qinghai Provincial Qinghai Lake Tourism Group Co., Ltd.), 寧波梅山保稅港區將門創業投資中心 ( 有限合夥 ) (Ningbo Meishan Free Trade Port Area Jiangmen Venture Capital LLP), 中科寒武紀科技股份有限公司 (Cambricon Technologies Corporation Limited), Pony AI Inc., 影石 創新科技股份有限公司 (Arashi Vision Inc.), 安徽科大訊飛醫療信息技術有限公司 (Anhui iFlytek Healthcare Information Technology Co., Ltd.), 中國銀聯股份有限公司 (China UnionPay Co., Ltd.), 深圳市國科瑞華三期 股權投資基金合夥企業 ( 有限合夥 ) (CASREV FUND III-RMB L.P.), 南寧匯友興曜股權投資基金合夥企業 ( 有 限合夥 ) (Nanning Huiyou Xingyao Equity Investment Fund L.P.) and Flexiv Ltd. (collectively referred to as the “ Project Companies ”). All above mentioned investments by the Group in the Project Companies are classified as financial assets at FVTPL categorised in Level 1 or Level 3. The classification and fair value of the Sub- participation Agreements are associated directly with these underlying investments and their valuation details are set out in note 5. As the Group considers that the Group’s exposure to price risk of such financial liabilities is insignificant, no sensitivity analysis on price risk of such financial liabilities is presented. As at 31 December 2020 and 2019, the financial liabilities designated at FVTPL are classified as non-current liabilities and presented in the consolidated statement of financial position. Pursuant to the Sub-participation Agreements, the participants will receive a portion of the return (in the form of dividends, interest, or other distributions or proceeds from realisation) from the Group’s investment in the Project Companies that is proportional to the amount provided by the participants to the Group as a percentage of the total Group’s investment in the Project Companies. If the Group suffers a loss from its investment in the Project Companies, the participants will correspondingly share a loss in the amount they provided to the Group on a pro rata basis. In general, the Sub-participation Agreements would be terminated upon the realisation of the Group’s investment in the Project Companies. Details of the Sub-participation Agreements are disclosed in the section of Investment Manager’s Discussion and Analysis and under the heading of Sub-participation Scheme.