Annual Report 2020

China Merchants China Direct Investments Limited Annual Report 2020 41 DIRECTORS’ REPORT (CONTINUED) BIOGRAPHICAL DETAILS OF DIRECTORS AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT Mr. ZHANG Jian, aged 56, has been the Chairman and Non-executive Director of the Company since September 2018. He is currently the Chief Digital Officer of China Merchants Group Limited, Standing Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee of China Merchants Financial Services Business Unit as well as Director of China Merchants Finance Holdings Company Limited, both of the companies are substantial shareholders of the Company. He is also a Director of China Merchants Capital Investment Co., Ltd., China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. (its shares are listed on both the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange), Shijinshi Credit Service Co., Ltd., Four Rivers Investment Management Co., Ltd. and China Merchants Innovation Investment Management Co., Ltd., and the Chairman of China Merchants Fintech Co., Ltd. and China Merchants Commerce Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. Prior to joining China Merchants Finance Holdings Company Limited in September 2015, Mr. ZHANG worked with China Merchants Bank as the General Manager of Suzhou Branch, Deputy General Manager (Department In-charge) of Corporate Banking Department of Head Office, Business Director and General Manager of Corporate Banking Department of Head Office, Business Director and General Manager of Credit Risk Management Department of Head Office, Business Director and General Manager of Comprehensive Risk Management Office of Head Office. Mr. ZHANG obtained his bachelor’s degree in Economics & Management from the Department of Economics of Nanjing University and master’s degree in Econometrics from the Nanjing University Business School. He is also a qualified senior economist in China.