Annual Report 2020

China Merchants China Direct Investments Limited Annual Report 2020 46 DIRECTORS’ REPORT (CONTINUED) BIOGRAPHICAL DETAILS OF DIRECTORS AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT (CONTINUED) Mr. TSANG Wah Kwong, aged 68, has been an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company since September 2012. He is a former partner of Hong Kong and China firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers. He has over 30 years of experience in auditing and providing support for initial public offerings and acquisition transactions. Currently, Mr. TSANG is an Independent Non-executive Director of a number of companies, including Sihuan Pharmaceutical Holdings Group Ltd. (Stock Code: 460.HK ), TK Group (Holdings) Limited (Stock Code: 2283.HK ) and CA Cultural Technology Group Limited (formerly China Animation Characters Company Limited, Stock Code: 1566.HK ), and an Independent Director of HUYA Inc. (listed on the New York Stock Exchange). Mr. TSANG was an Independent Director of Agria Corporation (formerly listed on the New York Stock Exchange) from August 2011 to October 2017, a Director of PGG Wrightson Limited (listed on the New Zealand Stock Exchange) from December 2014 to October 2017, an Independent Non-executive Director of PanAsialum Holdings Company Limited (Stock Code: 2078.HK ) from January 2013 to January 2016 and an Independent Non-executive Director of Ping An Securities Group (Holdings) Limited (Stock Code: 231.HK) from February 2016 to March 2020. Mr. TSANG is a Fellow Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, a Member of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and a Fellow Member of The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK. Mr. TSANG received a bachelor’s degree of Business Administration from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Dr. LI Fang, aged 63, has been an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company since October 2014. She is currently the Managing Director of Yuanta Securities (Hong Kong) Company Limited. Dr. LI has over 20 years of professional experience in securities, asset management, insurance and banking. Dr. LI was a Senior Research Assistant in Financial Research Bureau at the headquarters of the People’s Bank of China, a Research Fellow at the Asia-Pacific Operations of Aetna International Inc., the Head of Research Centre for Asian/Pacific Regional Pensions of ING Group, a Senior Business Advisor of Global Retirement Services of ING Group and the Chief Strategist at Corporate Finance of Yuanta Securities (Hong Kong) Company Limited. Dr. LI holds a doctorate degree in Economics from Monash University in Australia, a master’s degree in Banking and Finance from the Graduate School of the People’s Bank of China (now known as PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University) and a master’s degree in Public Administration from the International Christian University in Japan.