Annual Report 2020

China Merchants China Direct Investments Limited Annual Report 2020 66 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT (CONTINUED) INVESTOR RELATIONSHIP AND COMMUNICATION (CONTINUED) The Company held a general meeting during the year under review. The attendance of each of the Directors and Alternate Director is as follows: Attendance/number of meetings AGM held on 28 May 2020 Mr. ZHANG Jian * (Chairman) 0/1 Mr. ZHANG Rizhong* 0/1 Mr. WANG Xiaoding # 1/1 Mr. TSE Yue Kit # 1/1 Ms. KAN Ka Yee, Elizabeth # 1/1 Mr. CHU Lap Lik, Victor (alternate to Ms. KAN Ka Yee, Elizabeth # ) 0/1 Mr. KE Shifeng* 0/1 Mr. LIU Baojie** 0/1 Mr. TSANG Wah Kwong** 1/1 Dr. LI Fang** 0/1 Dr. GONG Shaolin ** (appointed on 11 September 2020) 0/0 # Executive Directors * Non-executive Directors ** Independent Non-executive Directors ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY The Company is an investment company listed under Chapter 21 of the Listing Rules. The Company has appointed an Investment Manager to manage its investment portfolio as well as corporate affairs and to deal with its day- to-day administration under the Investment Management Agreement. The Company, therefore, has no salaried employees, premises, manufacturing or other operations. The Investment Manager is requested to take into account the environmental matters (for example, minimising use of paper, using of recycled paper, minimising office energy consumption, etc.) when managing the corporate affairs of the Company and to take into account the environmental, social and governance policies of potential investee companies as part of its investment process. Please refer to pages 67 to 82 of the Annual Report for the Company’s Environmental, Social and Governance Report.