Annual Report 2020

China Merchants China Direct Investments Limited Annual Report 2020 78 ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT (CONTINUED) SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CONTINUED) Employees’ Development and Training (continued) Percentage of employees trained: Percentage of employees trained in CMCIM (Note 3) % Total All employees 68.42% Gender Male 75.00% Female 63.64% Employee category Investment staff 77.78% Back office staff 60.00% Average training hours completed per employee: Average training hours completed per employee in CMCIM (Note 3) Total All employees 14.96 Gender Male 16.58 Female 13.57 Employee category Investment staff 16.43 Back office staff 13.25 Note 3: The data only includes the trainings supported/organised by the Company and the Investment Manager. The training hours data includes those participated by resigned employee but excludes those participated by part-time and temporary employee and related to employee’s self-finance examination leave. Prevention of Child and Forced Labour It is prohibited by the Investment Manager to employ any child or forced labour in the operations and services. To avoid victimisation in the workplace, sound and effective human resource procedures are in place to conduct prudent due diligence on employees’ backgrounds to ensure the compliance with labour laws and regulations. The human resource procedures are regularly reviewed in response to the change in regulatory requirements and market trends. The Investment Manager has no tolerance to the employment of child and forced labour, should such violation is discovered, responsible person will be subjected to internal disciplinary actions or handled by authorities when deemed suitable. During the Reporting Period, there were no cases of non-compliance noted in relation to relevant laws and regulations regarding child and forced labour, including but not limited to Employment Ordinance (Cap. 57, Law of Hong Kong).