Annual Report 2021

ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT (CONTINUED) China Merchants China Direct Investments Limited Annual Report 2021 73 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Careful considerations are given to the environment when we make business decisions. The core objectives to our environmental management approach are to comply with all the relevant environmental laws in the market regions that the Company operates in, implement a sound monitoring system to manage environmental risks, disclose and report the Company’s environmental impacts and performance via this ESG report as accurate as possible, and set targets to our environmental performance and exerting effort to achieve them. During the Reporting Period, there were no cases of non-compliance noted in relation to relevant environmental laws and regulations, including the air and greenhouse gas emissions, discharges into water and land, and generation of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, including but not limited to the Laws of Hong Kong: Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 311) and the Noise Control Ordinance (Cap. 400). Waste Management Electricity and paper consumptions are the major emission sources. Despite the impact of our direct consumptions to the environment are insignificant, we adopt a series of measures to keep the emission we have to the minimal. Some but not all measures are as follows: ‧ deployment of telecommunication systems to reduce the amount of business related travels; ‧ encouraging staff to use electronic documents if possible; and ‧ advocating the use of recycled paper when suitable. We have exerted reasonable effort to maintain emission at a low level with the help from the Investment Manager of adopting a green office culture. The Investment Manager also ensures that its operations comply with Hong Kong government’s environmental laws and regulations completely. Non-hazardous office waste management During the Reporting Period, the Company and the Investment Manager did not generate material amount of hazardous waste in the office-only operations. The non-hazardous waste we generated was composed of paper and a very limited amount of plastic. The table below shows the amount of non-hazardous waste generated and recycled: Non-hazardous office waste Total consumption in 2021 (kg) Consumption intensity in 2021 Total consumption in 2020 (kg) Consumption intensity in 2020 (kg/total number of employees) (kg/total number of employees) Waste disposed 436.59 24.26 374.22 19.70 Waste recycled (Note 1) 1,050.00 58.33 990.00 52.11 Note 1: The reported amount includes the consumption amount of recycled paper for printing annual reports and interim reports.