Annual Report 2021

ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT (CONTINUED) China Merchants China Direct Investments Limited Annual Report 2021 74 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (CONTINUED) Waste Management (continued) Non-hazardous office waste management (continued) These wastes are collected by waste management service provided by the building service providers and are processed at their discretion. Despite the small amount of waste we generate, it is still our philosophy to promote a zero waste office practices as it is our belief that no resources should be wasted. The Company and the Investment Manager have set the following targets: Target 1 5% reduction on paper consumption intensity by 2025 as compared with 2020. Target 2 The Investment Manager continues to reduce the consumption of single-use plastics and aim to achieve zero plastic bottles by 2025. The ESG Taskforce is responsible for adopting measures to realise the goals, which are as follows: ‧ promoting resources conservation through posters and internal communications; ‧ setting up opinion boxes for employees to suggest resource conservation practices; ‧ setting up recycling bins in the office; ‧ phasing out paper documents and replacing them with electronic documents; ‧ encouraging employees to bring their own cups to work; and ‧ avoiding the purchase of bottled water or other single-use plastic products. During the Reporting Period, we have been consistently implementing the above measures to pursue our Target 1 and Target 2. Energy Consumption The Company is committed to conserving the scarce resources, and a series of measures are implemented by the Investment Manager to improve energy efficiency and minimise office energy consumption. It is also the Investment Manager’s goal to drive behavioural change of the employees and cultivate a green mind-set, conserving resources consumption in and out of the office. With the above commitment, it is expected that the resources consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are kept at minimal.