Annual Report 2021

ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT (CONTINUED) China Merchants China Direct Investments Limited Annual Report 2021 78 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Labour Practices Employees are invaluable assets to the success of the Company that the Company and the Investment Manager have been striving to attract and retain talents. To optimise the employees’ satisfaction, well-being and loyalty, the Investment Manager has developed a well-rounded human capital policy on compensation and dismissal, recruitment and promotion, working hours, rest periods, equal opportunity, diversity, anti-discrimination, and other benefits and welfare. The Investment Manager is an equal opportunity employer and has zero tolerance against discrimination on age, gender, race and sexual preference, disability, religion, national origin, etc. Equal opportunity is the central idea of its human capital policy, which covers areas of compensation and dismissal, recruitment and promotion, working hours, rest periods, other benefits and welfare, etc. The level of compensation of employees is reviewed annually and adjusted according to their performance, qualification and market standards. Benefits such as medical, life and disability insurance and retirement scheme are provided to employees. Staff leisure activities are also organised. Total workforce by gender, employment type, position, age and geographical location: Specification Number of employee in 2021 (CMCIM) % of employee in 2021 (CMCIM) Number of employee in 2020 (CMCIM) % of employee in 2020 (CMCIM) Gender Male 7 38.89% 8 42.11% Female 11 61.11% 11 57.89% Employment type Permanent 18 100% 19 100% Contract 0 0% 0 0% Position Director 1 5.56% 1 5.26% Management 1 5.56% 2 10.53% Others 16 88.88% 16 84.21% Age 18-30 1 5.56% 3 15.79% 31-50 13 72.22% 13 68.42% Above 50 4 22.22% 3 15.79% Geographical location Hong Kong 12 66.67% 13 68.42% Mainland China (Shenzhen) 6 33.33% 6 31.58%