Annual Report 2021

ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT (CONTINUED) China Merchants China Direct Investments Limited Annual Report 2021 85 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CONTINUED) Anti-corruption (continued) New staff of the Investment Manager and newly appointed Directors of the Company are required to take induction courses with contents including anti-corruption polices, Securities & Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571, Law of Hong Kong), Listing Rules, etc. within one month of their employment/appointment. These are tailored to the responsibilities and the obligations of the staff and the Directors. Over the course of employment/terms of tenure, the staff of the Investment Manager and Directors of the Company shall receive continuous training covering topics of their responsibilities which also include internal and external updates on anti-corruption practices. These trainings can be in various form, such as video briefing, internal seminar and webinar. During the Reporting Period, there were no cases of non-compliance noted in relation to corruption related laws and regulations, including but not limited to the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201, Law of Hong Kong). Community Programmes The Company and the Investment Manager recognise the role we play in the society, hence we are seeking different ways to give back to the community. The staff of the Investment Manager are encouraged to engage the community and fulfil their civil duties, for example, volunteering in any areas they see fits, participating in voting to express their views. The Investment Manager is considering to engage non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and charities for its employees volunteering and other suitable opportunities. The core principles we promote are: ‧ showing love, to give hope and to support the disadvantaged; ‧ encouraging compassion and empathy in the employees of the Investment Manager; ‧ fostering a sense of community within the Investment Manager; and ‧ empowering through education.