Annual Report 2023

133 ANNUAL REPORT 2023 5. SEGMENT INFORMATION (CONTINUED) (ii) Bonded logistics operation includes logistic park operation, ports transportation and airport cargo handling operated by the Group and its associates and joint ventures. (iii) Other operations mainly include property development and investment and logistics operation operated by the Group’s associates, property investment operated by the Group and corporate function. Each of the segments under ports operation includes the operations of a number of ports in various locations within the geographic locations. For the purpose of segment reporting, these individual operating segments have been aggregated into reporting segments on geographic basis as these individual operating segments have similar economic characteristics, and they present a more systematic and structured segment information. To give details of each of the operating segments, in the opinion of the directors of the Company, would result in particulars of excessive length. Bonded logistics operation and other operations include a number of different operations, each of which is considered as a separate but insignificant operating segment by the CODM. For segment reporting, these individual operating segments have been aggregated according to the natures of their operations to give rise to more meaningful presentation. There are no material sales or other transactions between the segments. During the current year, one (2022: one) customer has accounted for over 10% of the Group’s total revenue amounting to HK$1,845 million (2022: HK$1,694 million). The Group’s revenue by geographical areas of operations and information about its non-current assets other than other financial assets set out in note 22 and deferred tax assets presented based on the geographical areas in which the assets are located are as follows: Revenue Non-current assets 2023 2022 2023 2022 HK$’million HK$’million HK$’million HK$’million Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan 6,348 7,919 102,424 102,221 Brazil 1,977 1,768 9,579 8,695 Other locations 3,157 2,858 35,435 37,527 11,482 12,545 147,438 148,443