Annual Report 2023
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2023 134 CHINA MERCHANTS PORT HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITED 5. SEGMENT INFORMATION (CONTINUED) An analysis of the Group’s segment revenue, operating profit/(loss), share of profits less losses of associates and joint ventures by segments is as follows: For the year ended 31 December 2023 Ports operation Bonded logistics operation Other investments Corporate function Total Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan Other locations Sub-total Pearl River Delta Yangtze River Delta Bohai Rim Others HK$’million HK$’million HK$’million HK$’million HK$’million HK$’million HK$’million HK$’million HK$’million HK$’million Revenue 3,874 621 85 1,011 5,089 10,680 593 209 — 11,482 Earnings/(losses) before finance costs, net, taxation and share of profits less losses of associates and joint ventures 1,372 300 135 46 2,393 4,246 234 109 (346) 4,243 Share of profits less losses of – Associates 108 4,239 194 50 311 4,902 9 358 — 5,269 – Joint ventures 1 — 178 5 205 389 1 (13) — 377 1,481 4,539 507 101 2,909 9,537 244 454 (346) 9,889 Finance costs, net (28) (1) 1 (22) (65) (115) (1) (19) (1,195) (1,330) Taxation (312) (288) (49) (28) (426) (1,103) (39) (32) — (1,174) Profit/(loss) for the year 1,141 4,250 459 51 2,418 8,319 204 403 (1,541) 7,385 Holders of perpetual capital securities — — — — — — — — (191) (191) Non-controlling interests (218) (94) — (30) (559) (901) (62) 2 — (961) Profit/(loss) attributable to equity holders of the Company 923 4,156 459 21 1,859 7,418 142 405 (1,732) 6,233 Other information: Depreciation and amortisation 668 113 1 312 963 2,057 113 15 24 2,209 Capital expenditure 316 25 — 181 862 1,384 466 22 1 1,873