Annual Report 2023

139 ANNUAL REPORT 2023 9. DIRECTORS’ EMOLUMENTS Directors’ emoluments comprise payments to the following directors by the Group in connection with their service to and management of the affairs of the Group. The amount paid to each director was as follows: Employer’s contribution Discretionary to pension 2023 2022 Name of Director Fees Salary bonus scheme Total Total HK$’million HK$’million HK$’million HK$’million HK$’million HK$’million (Note (i)) Executive Directors: Wang Xiufeng (Note (ii)) — 0.43 1.25 0.15 1.83 2.70 Xu Song (Note (iii)) — 1.24 1.09 0.36 2.69 1.99 Lu Yongxin (Note (iv)) — 1.08 0.96 0.33 2.37 3.92 Tu Xiaoping (Note (v)) — 1.24 1.08 0.32 2.64 2.45 Wang Zhixian (Note (viii)) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3.22 Non-executive Directors: Feng Boming (Note (vi)) — — — — — N/A Yim Kong (Note (vii)) — 1.20 1.36 0.02 2.58 2.52 Yang Guolin (Note (viii)) — 1.16 0.93 0.35 2.44 1.33 Deng Renjie (Note (ix)) — — — — — — Liu Weiwu (Note (x)) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A — Deng Weidong (Note (xi)) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A — Independent non-executive Directors: Chan Hiu Fung Nicholas (Note (xii)) 0.30 — — — 0.30 0.02 Chan Yuen Sau Kelly (Note (xiii) 0.24 — — — 0.24 N/A Li Ka Fai David 0.30 — — — 0.30 0.30 Wong Chi Wing (Note (xiv)) 0.13 — — — 0.13 N/A Wong Pui Wah (Note (xv)) 0.30 — — — 0.30 0.10 Bong Shu Ying Francis (Note (xvi)) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.30 Kut Ying Hay (Note (xiii)) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.30 Lee Yip Wah Peter (Note (xii)) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.30 Total for the year ended 31 December 2023 1.27 6.35 6.67 1.53 15.82 Total for the year ended 31 December 2022 1.32 6.32 10.30 1.51 19.45 The executive directors’ emoluments shown above were paid for their services in connection with the management of the affairs of the Company and the Group. The independent non-executive directors’ emoluments shown above were paid for their services as directors of the Company.