Annual Report 2023

141 ANNUAL REPORT 2023 10. EMPLOYEES’ EMOLUMENTS (a) Emoluments of key management Of the ten (2022: eleven) key management of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2023, six (2022: seven) of them are directors of the Company and their remuneration has been disclosed in note 9. The total emoluments of the remaining four (2022: four) key management is as follows: 2023 2022 HK$’million HK$’million Salaries, other allowances and benefit-in-kinds 4 3 Performance related incentive payments 3 5 7 8 The emoluments fell within the following bands: Number of key management 2023 2022 Below HK$1,500,000 1 2 HK$1,500,001 - HK$2,000,000 2 — HK$2,000,001 - HK$2,500,000 1 — HK$2,500,001 - HK$3,000,000 — 2 4 4 (b) Five highest paid individuals Of the five individuals with the highest emoluments in the Group, five are directors (2022: three are directors and two are key management) of the Company whose emoluments are included in notes 9 and 10(a), respectively. During the years ended 31 December 2023 and 2022, no emoluments were paid by the Group to any of the directors of the Company or the chief executive of the Group or the five highest paid individuals as an inducement to join or upon joining the Group or as compensation for loss of office. None of the directors of the Company or the chief executive of the Group waived any emoluments during the years ended 31 December 2023 and 2022.