Annual Report 2023

153 ANNUAL REPORT 2023 19. INTERESTS IN SUBSIDIARIES (CONTINUED) (b) Non-wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Group that have material non-controlling interests (continued) 2022 SPG Gainpro Group Group HK$’million HK$’million Financial information of the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income Revenue 450 260 Other income and other gains 116 2 Expenses and taxation (772) (353) Loss and other comprehensive expense for the year (206) (91) Loss and other comprehensive expense for the year, attributable to: Equity holders of the Company (124) (43) Non-controlling interests (82) (48) (206) (91) Dividends paid to non-controlling interests — — Financial information of the consolidated statement of cash flows Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities (121) 123 Net cash outflow from investing activities (22) (28) Net cash (outflow)/inflow (143) 95