Annual Report 2023
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2023 176 CHINA MERCHANTS PORT HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITED 35. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT (CONTINUED) 35.1 Financial risk factors (continued) (ii) Credit risk and impairment assessment (continued) The tables below detail the credit risk exposures of the Group’s financial assets and financial guarantee contracts which are subject to ECL assessment: External Internal credit credit 12m or 2023 2022 Note rating rating lifetime ECL Gross carrying amount Gross carrying amount HK$’million HK$’million HK$’million HK$’million Financial assets at amortised cost Trade debtors (Note (a)) 25 N/A A Lifetime ECL (not credit-impaired) 497 609 B Lifetime ECL (not credit-impaired) 306 265 C Lifetime ECL (not credit-impaired) 38 54 D Lifetime ECL (credit-impaired) 87 928 77 1,005 Amounts due from fellow subsidiaries (Note (b)) 25 N/A B 12m ECL 60 60 33 33 Amount due from immediate holding company (Note (b)) 25 N/A B 12m ECL 4 4 148 148 Amounts due from associates (Note (b)) 25 N/A B 12m ECL 89 89 72 72 Advances to associates (Note (b)) 22 N/A B 12m ECL 272 272* 3,372 3,372* Advance to a joint venture (Note (b)) 22 N/A B 12m ECL 1,016 1,016* 955 955* * The gross carrying amounts disclosed above include the relevant interest receivables which are also included in note 22.