Annual Report 2023

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 35 During the year, 12 full board meetings were held and the attendance of each Director is set out as follows: Name of Director Number of board meetings attended during the Director’s term of office in 2023 Attendance rate Feng Boming * 1 4/4 100% Yim Kong 12/12 100% Yang Guolin 11/12 91.67% Xu Song * 2 11/12 91.67% Lu Yongxin * 3 12/12 100% Tu Xiaoping 11/12 91.67% Chan Hiu Fung Nicholas 12/12 100% Chan Yuen Sau Kelly * 4 11/11 100% Li Ka Fai David 12/12 100% Wong Chi Wing * 5 4/4 100% Wong Pui Wah 12/12 100% Deng Renjie * 6 7/7 100% Wang Xiufeng * 7 7/7 100% Bong Shu Ying Francis * 8 7/7 100% Kut Ying Hay * 9 N/A N/A *1 Mr. Feng Boming has been appointed as the Chairman of the Board and a Non-executive Director of the Company on 24 July 2023. *2 Mr. Xu Song has been redesignated from the Managing Director of the Company to the Vice Chairman of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer of the Company on 24 July 2023. *3 Mr. Lu Yongxin has been appointed as the Managing Director of the Company on 24 July 2023. *4 Ms. Chan Yuen Sau Kelly has been appointed as an Independent Non- executive Director of the Company on 21 March 2023. *5 Mr. Wong Chi Wing has been appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company on 24 July 2023. *6 Mr. Deng Renjie resigned as the Chairman of the Board and a Non-executive Director of the Company on 24 July 2023. *7 Mr. Wang Xiufeng resigned as the Vice Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer and an Executive Director of the Company on 24 July 2023. *8 Mr. Bong Shu Ying Francis retired as an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company on 2 June 2023. *9 Mr. Kut Ying Hay resigned as an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company on 21 March 2023. There was no financial, business, family or other material/ relevant relationship among members of the Board. To ensure independent views and inputs available to the Board, the Nomination Committee and the Board has assessed the Directors’ independence annually with reference to the following factors: (i) required character, integrity, expertise, experience to fulfill their roles; (ii) time commitment and attention to the Company’s affairs; (iii) declaration of conflict of interest in their roles as Independent Non-executive Directors; (iv) no involvement in the daily management of the Company nor in any relationship or circumstances which would affect the exercise of their independent judgement; and (v) commitment to their independent roles. In addition, subject to approval by the Chairman of the Board, Directors may seek independent legal, financial or other professional advice from advisors independent of the Company as and when necessary in appropriate c i r cums t ance s t o enab l e t hem t o d i s cha r ge t he i r responsibilities effectively at the Company’s expenses. The Board will review the effectiveness of the implementation of such mechanism on an annual basis. The Board is of the view that the above mechanism is effective in ensuring that independent views and opinions are provided to the Board. For every Board and Board Committee meeting, each Director is required to declare whether he/she has any conflict of interests in the matters to be considered. If a substantial shareholder or a Director has a conflict of interests which is considered by the Board as material, the matters should be dealt with by a physical Board meeting rather than a written resolution.