Annual Report 2023

4 CHINA MERCHANTS PORT HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITED 4 MAJOR MILESTONES IN 2023 The Group entered into the Shareholders Agreement with Access Engineering PLC (“ Access Engineering ”) and Sri Lanka Ports Authority (“ SLPA ”), in relation to the establishment and governance of South Asia Commercial and Logistics Hub (“ SACLH ”), which is owned as to 70%, 15% and 15% by the Group, Access Engineering and SLPA. The Group agreed to contribute in cash US$58.80 million (equivalent to approximately HK$462 million). SACLH will be of great significance to the Group in increasing its influence in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and enhancing its market competitiveness, which is in line with the Group’s investment strategy. The Board of Directors (the “ Board ”) of the Company appointed Ms. Chan Yuen Sau Kelly as an Independent Non- Executive Director to enhance board diversity. As at 31 December 2023, there were 2 female directors on the Board. MARCH APRIL