Annual Report 2023

5 ANNUAL REPORT 2023 5 The Group agreed to acquire 51% equity interest in PT Nusantara Pelabuhan Handal Tbk (“ NPH ”), a company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, for a consideration of approximately USD61.20 million (equivalent to approximately HK$478 million). The Group will take lead on the management of NPH’s operation and consolidate its financial position, and establish a platform for future investment opportunities in Indonesia. MSCI upgraded the Group’s rating on environmental, social and governance from”CCC” to “BB” by two notches. The Board appointed Mr. Feng Boming as the Chairman of the Board and a Non-executive Director, Mr. Xu Song as the Vice Chairman of the Board and the CEO, Mr. Lu Yongxin as the Managing Director. The Board appointed Mr. Wong Chi Wing as an Independent Non-Executive Director to enhance board independence. JULY NOVEMBER OCTOBER The Group completed the disposal of 45% equity interest in Ningbo Daxie China Merchants International Terminals Co., Ltd. to Ningbo Zhoushan Port Company Limited at a consideration of RMB1,845 million (equivalent to approximately HK$2,021 million). AUGUST