Evergreen International Holdings Limited

Corporate Information       

Company Name Evergreen International Holdings Limited
Registered Office P.O. Box 1350, Clifton House
75 Fort Street, Grand Cayman KY1-1108
Cayman Islands
Principal Place of Business and Headquarters in the People's Republic of China 21/F One Bravo Plaza
No. 1, Jinsui Road
Zhujiang New Town Tianhe District
Guangzhou, China
Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong Rooms 1305-1307, 13/F
New East Ocean Centre
9 Science Museum Road
Tsimshatsui East
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Sector Retail
Web Site Address
Financial Year End December 31
Board of Directors Executive Director
Mr. CHEN Minwen
Company Secretary Ms. LAI Pik Chi Peggy
Principal Bankers Agricultural Bank of China Limited
Bank of Beijing
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
China Construction Bank Corporation Limited
Guangdong Jiedong Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.
Hang Seng Bank Limited
Ping An Bank Co., Limited
Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Legal Advisor MinterEllison LLP
Cayman Islands Principal Share Registrar and Transfer Office Estera Trust (Cayman) Ltd
P.O. Box 1350, Clifton House
75 Fort Street, Grand Cayman KY1-1108
Cayman Islands
Hong Kong Share Registrar Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited
Shops 1712-1716
17th Floor, Hopewell Center
183 Queen's Road East
Hong Kong
HKEX Stock Code 00238
Listing Date 4th November, 2010

updated 7th February, 2022

  • Company's Index

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