Annual Report 2019
FAR EAST CONSORTIUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 204 For the year ended 31 March 2019 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 7. REVENUE (continued) Performance obligations for contracts with customers Sales of properties recognised at point in time For contracts entered into with customers on sales of properties, the relevant properties specified in the contracts are based on customer’s specifications with no alternative use. Taking into consideration of the relevant contract terms, the legal environment and relevant legal precedent, the Group concluded that the Group does not have an enforceable right to payment prior to transfer of the relevant properties to customers other than sales of properties in Singapore and Malaysia. Revenue from sales of such residential properties is therefore recognised at a point in time when the completed property is transferred to customers, being at the point that the customer obtains the control of the completed property and the Group has present right to payment and collection of the consideration is probable. In different location, the Group receives 1% to 20% of the contract value as deposits from customers when they sign the sale and purchase agreement. Such deposits result in contract liabilities being recognised throughout the property construction period. The Group considers the deposits do not contain significant financing component and accordingly the amount of consideration is not adjusted for the effects of the time value of money. Sales of properties recognised over time Revenue from sales of properties in Singapore and Malaysia is recognised over time because the Group’s performance under a sales contract does not create an asset with an alternative use to the Group and the Group has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date. The Group may not change or substitute the property unit or redirect the property unit for another use due to the contractual restrictions with the buyer and thus the property unit does not have an alternative use to the Group. Revenue for these sales of properties is recognised based on the stage of completion of the contract using input method. The Group’s sales contracts include payment schedules which require stage payments over the construction period once certain specified milestones are reached. The Group requires certain customers to provide upfront deposits range from 5% to 20% of total contract sum, when the Group receives a deposit before construction commences, this will give rise to contract liabilities at the start of a contract, until the revenue recognised on the specific contract exceeds the amount of the deposit. A contract asset, net of contract liability related to the same contract, is recognised over the period in which the construction services are performed representing the Group’s right to consideration for the services performed because the rights are conditioned on the Group’s future performance in achieving specified milestones. The contract assets are transferred to trade receivables when the rights become unconditional. The Group applies the practical expedient of expensing all incremental costs to obtain a contract if these costs would otherwise have been fully amortised to profit or loss within one year. Hotel revenue The hotel room revenue from customers are recognised over time using output method when the service and facilities are provided. The Group allows an average credit period is not more than 30 days to travel agents and corporate customers.