Annual Report 2019

ANNUAL REPORT 2019 29 PROFILE OF DIRECTORS AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT MR. LAI HIM ABRAHAM SHEK (ALIAS: ABRAHAM RAZACK) (Independent Non-executive Director) Mr. SHEK, aged 74, was appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company in June 2019. He obtained a bachelor degree of arts and a diploma in education in the University of Sydney in May 1969 and March 1970, respectively. He became the honorary fellow of Lingnan University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, The University of Hong Kong and The Education University of Hong Kong in November 2008, June 2014, September 2016 and March 2018, respectively. In addition to his achievements in the academic field, Mr. SHEK has also earned certain honorary titles in various ambits. He was appointed as Justice of the Peace in July 1995 and awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star and Gold Bauhinia Star in the HKSAR 2007 and 2013 Honors Lists, respectively. He has also been a member of the advisory committee board of the Independent Commission Against Corruption since January 2017. Mr. SHEK is currently a member of the Legislative Council for the HKSAR, the Court Member of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the Court and the Council Member of The University of Hong Kong, a non-executive director of Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority of Hong Kong and chairman and an independent member of the Board of Governors of English Schools Foundation. In addition, Mr. SHEK is an independent non-executive director of the following listed companies and collective investment schemes, all of which are listed on the Stock Exchange: (a) Paliburg Holdings Limited (stock code: 617); (b) Lifestyle International Holdings Limited (stock code: 1212); (c) Chuang’s Consortium International Limited (stock code: 367); (d) NWS Holdings Limited (stock code: 659); (e) Country Garden Holdings Company Limited (stock code: 2007); (f) SJM Holdings Limited (stock code: 880); (g) Chuang’s China Investments Limited (stock code: 298); (h) Hop Hing Group Holdings Limited (stock code: 47); (i) ITC Properties Group Limited (stock code: 199); (j) China Resources Cement Holdings Limited (stock code: 1313); (k) Lai Fung Holdings Limited (stock code: 1125); (l) Cosmopolitan International Holdings Limited (stock code: 120); (m) Goldin Financial Holdings Limited (stock code: 530); (n) Everbright Grand China Assets Limited (stock code: 3699); (o) CSI Properties Limited (Stock Code: 497); (p) Regal Portfolio Management Limited, the manager of Regal Real Estate Investment Trust (stock code: 1881); and (q) Eagle Asset Management (CP) Limited, the manager of Champion Real Estate Investment Trust (stock code: 2778). Mr. SHEK also served as an independent non-executive director of Dorsett from September 2010 to October 2015. Mr. SHEK was also an independent non-executive director of the following companies, all of which are listed on the Stock Exchange: (a) ITC Corporation Limited (now known as “PT International Development Corporation Limited”) (stock code: 372) until March 2017; (b) TUS International Limited (stock code: 872) until January 2017; (c) Midas International Holdings Limited (now known as “Magnus Concordia Group Limited”) (stock code: 1172) until January 2018; and (d) MTR Corporation Limited (stock code: 66) until May 2019.