Greentown China Holdings Limited
(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)

Corporate Profile       

Greentown China Holdings Limited was founded in Hangzhou, China in January 1995, and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in July 2006. Wharf and CCCG were introduced as substantial shareholders successively. As at 30 June 2023, CCCG, Greentown China's single largest shareholder, was interested in approximately 28.422% of the total issued share capital of the Company.

Throughout 29 years of development, the Company has adhered to the development strategy of "quality first" and developed the upstream and downstream of the real estate business to form three major segments, namely asset-heavy, asset-light and "Greentown+". The asset-heavy segment focuses on the real estate development business, and the asset-light segment strengthens the project management business, while the "Greentown+" segment provides strong support for both the asset-heavy and asset-light segments by strengthening the industry integration of the upstream and extending the scope of services of the downstream.

Being a professional developer of premium properties in China, Greentown China has always insisted on innovation and continued to explore the relationship between humans and their living space. Through creating aesthetically pleasing architecture, Greentown China is committed to building a better life for more people. Based in Zhejiang, the Company focuses its attention on core areas as well as cultivating footprints in first- and second-tier cities and high quality third- and fourth-tier cities. On the basis of traditional development business, Greentown China has actively developed featured real estate businesses including town projects, urban renewal projects, etc. Leveraging its superior development quality, rich land bank, highly effective organizational structure and high-calibre management team, Greentown China has established its brand image in all the cities it operates. The rich experience Greentown has accumulated in developing numerous high-quality projects together with its outstanding operational capabilities has served to provide strong momentum for its sustainable development.

Project management business commenced in September 2010. In July 2020, Greentown Management Holdings Company Limited was officially spun off from the Company and listed separately on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange (stock code: 09979), which has helped consolidate its leading position in the project management business, while accelerating the business model innovation and scale growth of the Company's asset-light segement.

Looking ahead, the Company will adhere to its strategic principle by centering on "Strategic 2025" plan with the aim of building the "quality benchmark among the Top10" and the strategic pivot points of "best understanding of customers and best understanding of products", facilitate the operation of both light and heavy assets, uplift capacity in an all-round manner and firmly insist on "comprehensively high quality and sustainable" development.

updated 6th October, 2023

  • Company's Index

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