Annual Report 2020
ANNUAL REPORT 2020 年度報告 9 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 管理層討論及分析 展望 我們預期二零二一年環球經濟因大規模接種疫苗而復甦, 帶動中國經濟增長及市場對瓦楞包裝的需求。集團為解決 原材料短缺問題,現已積極籌備於菲律賓租用新廠房安裝 全新的生產線,藉此降低生產成本及增加銷售量。我們會 繼續爭取在價格上的主導性,繼續以提升生產效率、增加 銷量、降低原料損耗及能源消耗以抗衡成本上漲為重點策 略,竭力提高集團的利潤。 人力資源 於二零二零年十二月三十一日,本集團僱用總共約 1,050 名全職員工(二零一九年: 1,000 名)。本集團向僱員提供 具競爭力之薪酬方案。本集團可能亦會授出購股權及酌情 花紅予合資格僱員,授出之基準按本集團及個人之表現而 釐定。 OUTLOOK We anticipate a global economic recovery in 2021 on the back of mass vaccinations, which should drive economic growth in China and market demand for corrugated packaging. To resolve the shortfall in raw materials, the Group is actively preparing the site leasing and installation of new production facilities in the Philippines, to reduce production costs and increase sales volume. We will continue to strive for pricing power and focus on our key strategies of raising production efficiency, increasing sales volume, reducing wastage of raw materials and energy use, furthering our goal of improving the Group’s earnings. HUMAN RESOURCES As at 31st December, 2020, the Group employed a total workforce of around 1,050 full time staff (2019: 1,000). Competitive remuneration packages were offered to employees. The Group may also grant share options and discretionary bonuses to eligible employees based on the performance of the Group and individuals.