Annual Report 2020

HOP FUNG GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED 合豐集團控股有限公司 12 MANAGEMENT PROFILE 管理層履歷 高級管理層 徐勇為先生 , 58 歲,本集團總經理。徐先生負責監督本 集團之採購、運輸物流及人力資源。徐先生於香港及中國 之瓦楞包裝行業積逾二十五年經驗。徐先生於二零零八年 二月加盟本集團之前,曾為一間瓦楞包裝公司之股東及董 事。 徐先生為本公司董事會主席兼執行董事許森平先生之妹 夫,以及本公司執行董事兼行政總裁許森泰先生之姐夫。 黃玉君女士 , 49 歲,本集團高級會計及行政經理。黃女 士負責監察本集團會計運作。黃女士於一九九四年獲得 美國 University of Houston – Downtown 工商管理學士學 位,主修會計。黃女士於二零零二年五月加盟本集團之 前,曾於一間國際會計師行工作。 SENIOR MANAGEMENT Mr. Tsui Yung Wai , aged 58, is the general manager of the Group. Mr. Tsui is responsible for the supervision of procurement, logistics and human resources of the Group. Mr. Tsui has over 25 years of experience in corrugated packaging industry in Hong Kong and the PRC. Prior to joining the Group in February 2008, Mr. Tsui was a shareholder and a director of a corrugated packaging company. Mr. Tsui is a brother-in-law of Mr. Hui Sum Ping (chairman of the Board and executive Director of the Company) and Mr. Hui Sum Tai (executive Director and chief executive officer of the Company). Ms. Wong Yuk Kwan , aged 49, is the senior accounting and administrative manager of the Group. Ms. Wong is responsible for overseeing accounting operations of the Group. Ms. Wong obtained a Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration majoring in accounting from the University of Houston – Downtown in the United States in 1994. Ms. Wong worked in an international accounting firm prior to joining the Group in May 2002.