Annual Report 2020

144 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 綜合財務報表附註 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2020 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度 HOP FUNG GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED 合豐集團控股有限公司 32. 金融工具 (續) (b) 財務風險管理目標及政策 (續) 市場風險 (續) 利率風險 本集團承受與租賃負債有關之公平值利率風 險(詳情請見附註 21 )及與浮息銀行借貸(該等 借貸之詳情請見附註 22 )、銀行結餘及存款有 關之現金流量利率風險。董事認為,銀行結 餘及存款之利率風險極低。因此,無須進行 敏感度分析。 本集團承受財務負債之利率風險詳述於本附 註之流動資金風險部份內。由於本集團的借 貸以港元及人民幣列值,本集團的現金流量 利率風險主要集中於香港銀行同業拆息及貸 款市場報價利率之波動。 利率敏感度分析 敏感度分析乃根據非衍生工具所承受之利率 風險而作出,此分析乃假設於報告期末未償 還的金融工具乃於整個年度未償還。增加或 減少 50 個基點為本公司董事對利率可能合 理變動之評估。本集團的浮息銀行借貸面對 利率風險,如利率增加╱減少 50 個基點, 而所有其他變數維持不變,則本集團之年度 稅後利潤(二零一九年:虧損)將會減少╱增 加 1,180,000 港元(二零一九年:增加╱減少 905,000 港元)。 本公司董事認為,由於年末風險並不能反映 年內之風險,故敏感度分析並不代表利率風 險。 32. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (Continued) (b) Financial risk management objectives and policies (Continued) Market risk (Continued) Interest rate risk The Group is exposed to fair value interest rate risk in relation to lease liabilities (see note 21 for details) and cash flow interest rate risk in relation to variable- rate bank borrowings (see note 22 for details of these borrowings), bank balances and deposits. The directors consider that the interest rate risk on bank balances and deposits are minimal, accordingly, no sensitivity analysis is performed. The Group’s exposures to interest rates on financial liabilities are detailed in the liquidity risk section of this note. The Group cash flow interest rate risk is mainly concentrated on the fluctuation of HIBOR and LPR arising from the Group’s borrowings denominated in HK$ and RMB. Interest rate sensitivity analysis The sensitivity analysis has been determined based on the exposure to interest rates for non-derivatives instruments. The analysis is prepared assuming the financial instruments outstanding at the end of the reporting period were outstanding for the whole year. Increase or decrease in a 50 basis points represents the assessment of the directors of the Company of the reasonably possible change in interest rates. For the Group’s exposure to interest rates on its variable-rate bank borrowings, if interest rates had been 50 basis points higher/lower and all other variables were held constant, the Group’s post-tax profit (2019: loss) for the year would have decreased/increased by HK$1,180,000 (2019: increased/decreased by HK$905,000). In the opinion of the directors of the Company, the sensitivity analysis is unrepresentative of the interest rate risk as the year end exposure does not reflect the exposure during the year.