Annual Report 2020
146 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 綜合財務報表附註 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2020 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度 HOP FUNG GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED 合豐集團控股有限公司 32. 金融工具 (續) (b) 財務風險管理目標及政策 (續) 信貸風險及減值評估 (續) 客戶合約產生的貿易應收款項(續) 作為本集團信貸風險管理的部分,本集團使 用債務人的過往逾期情況,評估其客戶的減 值,因為該等客戶包括具有常見風險特徵的 大量客戶,該等特徵代表客戶根據合約條款 償還所有款項的能力。 估計虧損比率乃根據過往觀察到違約比率相 比債務人的預期期限估計,以及就毋須付出 不必要的成本或費力而取得的前瞻性資料作 出調整。分組會由管理層定期檢視,確保關 於債務人的相關資料已獲得更新。 於截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度, 本集團並無就貿易應收款項確認減值撥備(二 零一九年:減值撥備 551,000 港元)。 銀行結餘 本集團參考有關違約可能性及虧損導致違反 外部信用評級機構公佈的有關信貸評級等級 資料,對銀行結餘進行 12 個月預期信貸虧 損評估。根據平均虧損率,與於二零二零年 十二月三十一日總賬面值為 291,556,000 港元 (二零一九年: 292,299,000 港元)的銀行結餘 有關的 12 個月預期信貸虧損被認為並不重大。 流動資金的信貸風險有限,原因為交易對手 乃獲國際信貸評級機構授予高度信貸評級的 銀行。 32. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (Continued) (b) Financial risk management objectives and policies (Continued) Credit risk and impairment assessment (Continued) Trade receivables arising from contracts with customers (Continued) As part of the Group’s credit risk management, the Group uses debtors’ past due status to assess the impairment for its customers because these customers consist of a large number of customers with common risk characteristics that are representative of the customers’ abilities to pay all amounts due in accordance with the contractual terms. The estimated loss rates are estimated based on historical observed default rates over the expected life of the debtors and are adjusted for forward- looking information that is available without undue cost or effort. The grouping is regularly reviewed by management to ensure relevant information about specific debtors is updated. During the year ended 31st December, 2020, no impairment allowance (2019: impairment allowance of HK$551,000) is recognised for trade receivables. Bank balances The Group assessed 12m ECL for bank balances by reference to information relating to probability of default and loss given default of the respective credit rating grades published by external credit rating agencies. Based on the average loss rates, the 12m ECL on bank balances with gross carrying amount of HK$291,556,000 as at 31st December, 2020 (2019: HK$292,299,000) is considered to be insignificant. The credit risk on liquid funds is limited because the counterparties are banks with high credit ratings assigned by international credit-rating agencies.