Annual Report 2020

154 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 綜合財務報表附註 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2020 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度 HOP FUNG GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED 合豐集團控股有限公司 Name of subsidiary Place of incorporation or registration/ operations Issued and fully paid share capital/ contributed capital Proportion of nominal value of issued capital/registered capital and voting right held by the Company Principal activities 附屬公司名稱 註冊成立╱ 營業地點 已發行及繳足股本╱ 實繳股本 本公司所持有 已發行股本╱註冊資本 及投票權之面值比例 主要業務 2020 2019 二零二零年 二零一九年 % % Man Shung (Macao Commercial Offshore) Limited (note a) Macau Ordinary shares MOP100,000 100 100 Manufacturing and trading of corrugated packaging 萬順(澳門離岸商業服務)有限公司 (附註 a ) 澳門 普通股 100,000 澳門幣 瓦楞包裝之製造及貿易 Wah Wang Paper Ware Limited Macau Ordinary shares MOP100,000 100 100 Trading of corrugated packaging and procurement of raw materials 華運紙製品有限公司 澳門 普通股 100,000 澳門幣 瓦楞包裝之貿易及 原材料之採購 東莞進益紙品有限公司 (note b) PRC Contributed capital HK$23,000,000 l00 l00 Manufacturing and trading of corrugated packaging (附註 b ) 中國 實繳股本 23,000,000 港元 瓦楞包裝之製造及貿易 合豐紙品(深圳)有限公司 (note b) PRC Contributed capital HK$25,000,000 l00 l00 Manufacturing and trading of corrugated packaging (附註 b ) 中國 實繳股本 25,000,000 港元 瓦楞包裝之製造及貿易 Notes: (a) The applications for giving up the licenses for operating offshore service business in Macau were submitted to the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute on 1st December, 2020 and approval was obtained on 17th December, 2020. The licenses became invalid on 31st December, 2020. (b) Green Forest (QingXin) Paper Industrial Limited, 東莞進益紙 品有限公司 and 合豐紙品(深圳)有限公司 are wholly foreign owned enterprises. Other than Hop Fung Group Company Limited, all subsidiaries are indirectly held by the Company. None of the subsidiaries had any debt securities subsisting at 31st December, 2020 and 31st December, 2019 or at any time during both years. 34. PARTICULARS OF PRINCIPAL SUBSIDIARIES (Continued) 附註: (a) 放棄澳門離岸服務業務經營准照的申請已於二零二 零年十二月一日向澳門貿易投資促進局遞交,並於 二零二零年十二月十七日獲批。有關准照於二零二 零年十二月三十一日失效。 (b) 森葉(清新)紙業有限公司、東莞進益紙品有限公司 及合豐紙品(深圳)有限公司均為外商獨資企業。 除 Hop Fung Group Company Limited 外,所有附 屬公司均由本公司間接持有。 於二零二零年十二月三十一日及二零一九年十二月 三十一日或兩年內任何時間,各附屬公司均無任何 存續的債務證券。 34. 主要附屬公司資料 (續)