Annual Report 2020

155 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 綜合財務報表附註 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2020 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 年度報告 34. 主要附屬公司資料 (續) 上表列出本公司董事認為對本集團業績及資產有重 要影響之本集團附屬公司。董事認為,將其他附屬 公司詳情列出會導致篇幅過於冗長。 於報告期末,本公司擁有對本集團而言不屬重大之 其他附屬公司。該等附屬公司於香港、澳門、東南 亞、英屬處女群島或中國營運。該等附屬公司之主 要業務概要如下: 34. PARTICULARS OF PRINCIPAL SUBSIDIARIES (Continued) The above table lists the subsidiaries of the Group which, in the opinion of directors of the Company, principally affected the results and assets of the Group. To give details of other subsidiaries would, in the opinion of the directors, result in particulars of excessive length. At the end of the reporting period, the Company has other subsidiaries that are not material to the Group. These subsidiaries are operated in Hong Kong, Macau, Southeast Asia, BVI or PRC. The principal activities of these subsidiaries are summarised as follows: Principal activities Principal place of business Number of subsidiaries 主要業務 主要營業地點 附屬公司數目 2020 2019 二零二零年 二零一九年 Investment holding BVI 2 2 投資控股 英屬處女群島 Hong Kong – 1 香港 2 3 Inactive BVI 1 1 閒置 英屬處女群島 Hong Kong 1 – 香港 PRC 1 1 中國 Southeast Asia 1 2 東南亞 Macau – 1 澳門 4 5 Provision of management services Hong Kong 2 2 提供管理服務 香港 8 10