Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 年度報告 17 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 董事會 (續) 董事之持續專業發展 董事應緊隨了解最新的監管發展和變化,以有效履行其職 責,並確保其對董事會作出全面和相關的貢獻。 每名新任董事均於首次獲委任時獲提供入職培訓,確保新 董事可適當掌握本公司業務及營運,並充分明白上市規則 及相關法規下其須承擔之董事職責及責任。有關入職培訓 還包括考察本公司之主要廠房場地及與本公司之高級管理 層會面。 董事應參與適當的持續專業發展(「持續專業發展」),發展 並更新其知識及技能。本公司將在適當時候在公司內部為 董事安排簡介並向董事提供相關課題之閱讀材料。本公司 鼓勵所有董事出席相關外部培訓課程,費用由本公司繳 付。 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度,本公司為全體董 事舉辦了兩次有關更新上市規則及相關事宜之內部簡報。 此外,本公司已向董事提供相關閱讀材料以供參考及學 習,包括合規手冊、最新法律及監管資料及研討會講義。 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度,董事已收到有關 董事職責及監管與業務發展的持續專業發展紀錄摘要如 下: 董事 培訓類型 附註 執行董事 許森平 A 及 B 許森泰 A 及 B 許婉莉 A 及 B 獨立非執行董事 池民生 A 及 B 黃珠亮 A 及 B 周淑明 A 及 B BOARD OF DIRECTORS (Continued) Continuous Professional Development of Directors Directors shall keep abreast of regulatory developments and changes in order to effectively perform their responsibilities and to ensure that their contribution to the Board remains informed and relevant. Every newly appointed Director has received induction on the first occasion of his/her appointment to ensure appropriate understanding of the business and operations of the Company and full awareness of Director’s responsibilities and obligations under the Listing Rules and relevant statutory requirements. Such induction shall be supplemented by visits to the Company’s key plant sites and meetings with senior management of the Company. Directors should participate in appropriate continuous professional development (“CPD”) to develop and refresh their knowledge and skills. Internally-facilitated briefings for Directors would be arranged and reading materials on relevant topics would be provided to Directors where appropriate. All Directors are encouraged to attend relevant external training courses at the Company’s expenses. During the year ended 31st December, 2020, the Company organized two in-house briefings on updates on Listing Rules and related matters for all Directors. In addition, relevant reading materials including compliance manual, legal and regulatory update and seminar handouts have been provided to the Directors for their reference and studying. The records of CPD relating to Director’s duties and regulatory and business development that have been received by the Directors for the year ended 31st December, 2020 are summarized as follows: Directors Type of Training Note Executive Directors Hui Sum Ping A and B Hui Sum Tai A and B Hui Yuen Li A and B Independent Non-executive Directors Chee Man Sang, Eric A and B Wong Chu Leung A and B Chau Suk Ming A and B