Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 年度報告 19 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 董事委員會 (續) 審核委員會 (續) 審核委員會共舉行了三次會議,以審閱截至二零二零年 十二月三十一日止年度之中期及年度財務業績及報告以及 有關財務申報、經營及合規監控、風險管理及內部監控制 度以及內部審核職能之成效、委任外聘核數師及進行非審 計服務及相關工作範疇之重大事宜。 由於本公司並無委聘其核數師審閱其中期報告之財務資 料,截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度,審核委員會 與本公司核數師舉行一次會議以討論審計本公司全年業績 時出現之事宜及核數師可能提出之其他事宜。此偏離企管 守則之守則條文第 C.3.3 條有關審核委員會與公司核數師 須每年至少舉行兩次會議之規定。 薪酬委員會 薪酬委員會由四名成員組成,分別為執行董事許婉莉女士 以及獨立非執行董事池民生先生、黃珠亮先生及周淑明先 生。池民生先生為薪酬委員會主席。 薪酬委員會的職權範圍不遜於企管守則所載的職權範圍。 薪酬委員會之主要職責包括審閱個別執行董事之薪酬待 遇、全體董事之薪酬政策及架構並就此向董事會提供意 見;及設立透明的程序以制定薪酬政策及架構,從而確保 概無董事或任何彼等之聯繫人士可參與釐定彼等自身之薪 酬。 於年內薪酬委員會已舉行一次會議,以審閱本公司之董事 薪酬政策及架構、執行董事之薪酬待遇及非執行董事之薪 酬。 BOARD COMMITTEES (Continued) Audit Committee (Continued) The Audit Committee held three meetings to review, in respect of the year ended 31st December, 2020, the interim and annual financial results and reports and significant issues on the financial reporting, operational and compliance controls, the effectiveness of the risk management and internal control systems and internal audit function, appointment of external auditor and engagement of non-audit services and relevant scope of works. Since the Company has not engaged its auditor to review the financial information in its interim report, the Audit Committee has met with the Company’s auditor once to discuss matters arising from the audit of the Company’s annual results and other matters the auditor may wish to raise during the year ended 31st December, 2020. This deviates from the code provision C.3.3 of the CG Code which stipulates that the audit committee must meet, at least twice a year, with company’s auditor. Remuneration Committee The Remuneration Committee consists of four members, namely Ms. Hui Yuen Li, Executive Director, Mr. Chee Man Sang, Eric, Mr. Wong Chu Leung and Mr. Chau Suk Ming, Independent Non- executive Directors. Mr. Chee Man Sang, Eric is the chairman of the Remuneration Committee. The terms of reference of the Remuneration Committee are of no less exacting terms than those set out in the CG Code. The primary functions of the Remuneration Committee include reviewing and making recommendations to the Board on the remuneration packages of individual Executive Directors, the remuneration policy and structure for all Directors; and establishing transparent procedures for developing such remuneration policy and structure to ensure that no Director or any of his/her associates will participate in deciding his/her own remuneration. The Remuneration Committee met once during the year to review the Directors’ remuneration policy and structure of the Company, and the remuneration packages of the Executive Directors and the remuneration of the Non-executive Directors.