Annual Report 2020

HOP FUNG GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED 合豐集團控股有限公司 20 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 董事委員會 (續) 薪酬委員會 (續) 目前,高級管理層之薪酬由本公司主席及╱或行政總裁釐 定。此偏離企管守則之守則條文第 B.1.2 條規定薪酬委員 會須就公司全體董事及高級管理層之薪酬政策及架構向董 事會提出建議。 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度,已付高級管理層 成員之薪酬按組別劃分之詳情載列如下: BOARD COMMITTEES (Continued) Remuneration Committee (Continued) Currently, the remuneration of the senior management is attended by the Chairman and/or the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. This deviates from the code provision B.1.2 of the CG Code which stipulates that the remuneration committee should make recommendations to the board on company’s policy and structure for all the directors’ and senior management remuneration. Details of the remuneration paid to the members of the senior management by band for the year ended 31st December, 2020 are set out below: Number of senior management Remuneration band 薪酬組別 高級管理層數目 HK$1,000,000–HK$1,500,000 1,000,000 港元至 1,500,000 港元 2 Nomination Committee The Nomination Committee consists of four members, namely Ms. Hui Yuen Li, Executive Director, Mr. Chee Man Sang, Eric, Mr. Wong Chu Leung and Mr. Chau Suk Ming, Independent Non- executive Directors. Mr. Chee Man Sang, Eric is the chairman of the Nomination Committee. The terms of reference of the Nomination Committee are of no less exacting terms than those set out in the CG Code. The principal duties of the Nomination Committee include reviewing the Board composition, developing and formulating relevant procedures for the nomination and appointment of Directors, making recommendations to the Board on the appointment and succession planning of Directors, and assessing the independence of Independent Non-executive Directors. In reviewing and assessing the Board composition, the Nomination Committee would consider a number of aspects as well as factors concerning Board diversity as set out in the Company’s Board Diversity Policy. The Nomination Committee would discuss and agree on measurable objectives for achieving diversity on the Board, where necessary, and recommend them to the Board for adoption. 提名委員會 提名委員會由四名成員組成,分別為執行董事許婉莉女士 以及獨立非執行董事池民生先生、黃珠亮先生及周淑明先 生。池民生先生為提名委員會主席。 提名委員會的職權範圍不遜於企管守則所載的職權範圍。 提名委員會之主要職責包括審閱董事會之組成、制定及擬 定提名及委任董事之相關程序、就董事委任及繼任計劃向 董事會提供意見,以及評估獨立非執行董事之獨立性。 於審閱及評估董事會的組成時,提名委員會將考慮本公司 董事會成員多元化政策所載有關董事會多元化的多個方面 及因素。提名委員會會討論及協定達致董事會多元化的可 計量目標並(如有需要)推薦董事會採用。