Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 年度報告 21 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 董事委員會 (續) 提名委員會 (續) 董事會成員多元化政策 本公司認同及深信董事會成員多元化所帶來的禆益,並且 認為董事會趨向多元化是維持本公司競爭優勢的重要元 素。董事會成員多元化政策的詳情列載如下: 1. 提名委員會將每年檢討董事會的架構、人數及組 成,並就任何為配合本公司的公司策略而對董事會 作出的變動提出建議。 2. 在檢討及評估董事會成員多元化時,須考慮多個方 面及因素,包括但不限於性別、年齡、文化及教育 背景、專業經驗、技能、知識及行業及地區經驗。 3. 提名委員會將會討論及協定(如有需要)為達致董事 會成員多元化的可計量目標,並推薦董事會採用。 4. 提名委員會將會定期評估董事會多元化狀況及實現 多元化目標的進展(如有)。 5. 提名委員會將在有需要時檢討本政策,並向董事會 建議有關修訂(如有),以供考慮及批准。 BOARD COMMITTEES (Continued) Nomination Committee (Continued) Board Diversity Policy The Company recognizes and embraces the benefits of having a diverse Board and sees increasing diversity at the Board level as an essential element in maintaining the Company’s competitive advantage. The particulars of the Board Diversity Policy of the Company are set out as follows: 1. The Nomination Committee will review annually the structure, size and composition of the Board and where appropriate, make recommendations on changes to the Board to complement the Company’s corporate strategy. 2. In reviewing and assessing the Board diversity, a number of aspects and factors will be considered, including but not limited to gender, age, cultural and educational background, professional qualifications, skills, knowledge and industry and regional experience. 3. The Nomination Committee will discuss and where necessary, agree on the measurable objectives for achieving diversity on the Board and make recommendation to the Board for adoption. 4. The Nomination Committee will assess regularly the diversity profile of the Board and the progress on achieving diversity objectives, if any. 5. The Nomination Committee will review the Board Diversity Policy as appropriate and recommend revisions, if any, to the Board for consideration and approval.