Annual Report 2020

HOP FUNG GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED 合豐集團控股有限公司 22 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 董事委員會 (續) 提名委員會 (續) 董事提名政策 1. 董事會已採取董事提名政策以達致 (i) 載列本公司提 名及委任董事的準則及過程; (ii) 確保本公司的董事 會具備切合本公司業務所需的技巧、經驗及多元觀 點;及 (iii) 確保本公司的董事會的持續性及維持其合 適的領導角色。 2. 在評估及挑選候選人擔任董事時,會考慮下列準 則: • 品格與誠信。 • 資格,包括專業資格、技巧、知識及與本公 司業務及策略相關的經驗。 • 為達致董事會成員多元化而採納的任何可計 量目標。 • 獨立性。 • 候選人可為董事會帶來的任何潛在貢獻。 • 是否願意及是否能夠投放足夠時間履行身為 董事的職責。 • 其他適用於本公司業務及其繼任計劃的其他 各項因素。 3. 在確定及挑選適當候選人擔任董事時,提名委員會 會依據上述準則評估候選人,根據本公司的需要及 每位候選人的證明審查(如適用)排列他們的優先次 序,隨後就委任合適人選擔任董事一事向董事會提 出建議(如適用)。 BOARD COMMITTEES (Continued) Nomination Committee (Continued) Director Nomination Policy 1. The Board has adopted the Director Nomination Policy in order to (i) set out the criteria and process in the nomination and appointment of directors of the Company; (ii) ensure that the Board has a balance of skills, experience and diversity of perspectives appropriate to the Company; and (iii) ensure the Board continuity and appropriate leadership at Board level. 2. In evaluating and selecting any candidate for directorship, the following criteria should be considered: • Character and integrity. • Qualifications including professional qualifications, skills, knowledge and experience that are relevant to the Company’s business and corporate strategy. • Any measurable objectives adopted for achieving diversity on the Board. • Independency. • Any potential contributions the candidate can bring to the Board. • Willingness and ability to devote adequate time to discharge duties as a director. • Such other perspectives that are appropriate to the Company’s business, succession plan, etc. 3. In identifying and selecting suitable candidates for directorships, the Nomination Committee will evaluate the candidates based on the prescribed criteria, rank them by order of preference based on the needs of the Company and reference check of each candidate (where applicable) and recommend to the Board to appoint the appropriate candidate for directorship, as applicable.