Annual Report 2020

HOP FUNG GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED 合豐集團控股有限公司 28 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 股東之權利 (續) 聯絡資料 就上述而言,股東可發送其查詢或要求到下列的聯絡方 法: 地址: 香港 新界 荃灣沙咀道 57 號及 大涌道 30–38 號 荃運工業中心(第二期) 22 樓 E 、 F 及 H 座 (註明收件人為行政總裁╱ 公司秘書) 傳真: (852) 2414 5508 電子郵件: 為免生疑,股東須存放及發出正式簽署之書面要求、通知 或聲明或查詢(視情況而定)之正本到上述地址,並提供彼 等全名、聯絡詳情及身份,以便本公司回覆。股東資料可 能根據法律規定而予以披露。 與股東溝通及投資者關係 本公司深信,與股東保持有效溝通,對促進投資者關係及 加深投資者對本集團業務表現及策略瞭解至為重要。本公 司盡力保持與股東之間的對話,尤其是透過股東週年大會 及其他股東大會。 董事會主席、全體獨立非執行董事及所有董事委員會之主 席(或彼等之代表)將出席股東週年大會,與股東見面並回 答彼等之提問。 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度,本公司之憲章文 件並無重大變動,而該等文件已刊載於本公司及聯交所網 站。 SHAREHOLDERS’ RIGHTS (Continued) Contact Details Shareholders may send their enquiries or requests as mentioned above to the following: Address: Workshops E, F and H, 22nd Floor Superluck Industrial Centre (Phase 2) No. 57 Sha Tsui Road and Nos. 30–38 Tai Chung Road, Tsuen Wan New Territories Hong Kong (For the attention of the Chief Executive Officer/ Company Secretary) Fax: (852) 2414 5508 Email: For the avoidance of doubt, shareholders must deposit and send the original duly signed written requisition, notice or statement, or enquiry (as the case may be) to the above address and provide their full name, contact details and identification in order to give effect thereto. Shareholders’ information may be disclosed as required by law. COMMUNICATION WITH SHAREHOLDERS AND INVESTOR RELATIONS The Company considers that effective communication with shareholders is essential for enhancing investor relations and investor understanding of the Group’s business performance and strategies. The Company endeavours to maintain an on-going dialogue with shareholders and in particular, through annual general meetings and other general meetings. The Chairman of the Board, all the Independent Non-executive Directors, and the chairmen of all Board committees (or their delegates) will make themselves available at the annual general meetings to meet shareholders and answer their enquiries. During the year ended 31st December, 2020, there was no significant change in the Company’s constitutional documents and these documents are available on the websites of the Company and of the Stock Exchange.