Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 年度報告 35 ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 環境、社會及管治報告 3. 環境、社會及管治表現 (續) 3.1 環境 (續) 3.1.1 排放物 (續) 減少溫室氣體(「溫室氣體」)排放(續) 於報告期間,集團嚴謹地遵從相關環境 保護法規,並無違反環保法例。期內所 產生溫室氣體的來源及排放量如下: 圖二 3. ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE PERFORMANCE (Continued) 3.1 Environment (Continued) 3.1.1 Emissions (Continued) Reduction Emission of Greenhouse Gases (“GHG”) (Continued) During the reporting period, the Group has strictly complied with the relevant environmental protection regulations and no violation of environmental protection regulations was found. The sources and emission volumes of GHG generated during the period were as follows: Figure II Amount 數量 2020 2019 GHG Emissions Sources 溫室氣體排放來源 二零二零年 二零一九年 Diesel fuel consumption from stationary sources (litres) 來自固定源的柴油消耗(升) 154,578 197,132 Gasoline consumption from mobile sources (litres) 來自流動源的汽油消耗(升) 19,422 23,639 Business travel by passenger (km) 乘客差旅(公里) 3,708 241,206 Coal consumption from stationary sources (tonnes) 來自固定源的煤炭消耗(噸) 100,750 112,444 Diesel oil consumption from mobile sources (litres) 來自流動源的柴油消耗(升) 3,521 3,955 Electricity consumption by facilities (kWh) 設備耗電(千瓦時) 54,813 52,796 Total GHG emissions (tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent (“tCO 2 e”)) 溫室氣體排放總量 (噸二氧化碳當量 (「噸二氧化碳當量」)) 174,199 174,542 GHG emission intensity per employee (tCO 2 e/person) 平均每位僱員所產生溫室 氣體排放密度 (噸二氧化碳當量╱人) 311 296 3.1.2 Use of Resources The Group’s business belongs to green industry. Thus considerable attention is paid to environmental protection to ensure reasonable and efficient use of energy and resources. 3.1.2 資源使用 集團業務屬於綠色產業,因此相當重視 環境保護以確保能源及資源的合理及有 效使用。