Annual Report 2020

HOP FUNG GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED 合豐集團控股有限公司 36 ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 環境、社會及管治報告 3. 環境、社會及管治表現 (續) 3.1 環境 (續) 3.1.2 資源使用 (續) 節約能源措施 本集團基本上僅採用耗電少的低功耗電 力設備,以減少碳排放。在電器的採購 過程中,優先選擇節能產品,如擁有一 級節能標誌的冰箱及洗衣機。 所有燈泡逐步被 LED 燈具取代,以減少 能源消耗。通過取代較短壽命的傳統燈 具,亦可減少有害廢棄物產生。根據節 能政策,在午膳期間會暫時關掉照明設 備、空調及打印機以節約能源。 此外,空調系統已設定僅在上班時間運 行,且溫度維持在合理水平(例如攝氐 25 度)。於二零二零年,能源消耗與二 零一九年相若。除設備控制外,辦公室 入口已張貼節能標語。 節約用水措施 對於水資源的使用,集團進行定期檢查 以減少耗水量,同時制訂監控措施,調 查非正常用水的原因。集團更張貼節約 用水標語以提高僱員的節約用水意識及 提醒僱員和訪客節約用水。 3. ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE PERFORMANCE (Continued) 3.1 Environment (Continued) 3.1.2 Use of Resources (Continued) Energy Conservation Measure Basically, the Group is only equipped with low- power electrical equipment with less power consumption to reduce carbon emission. In the procurement process of electrical appliances, priority is given to energy-saving products such as refrigerators and washing machines which had grade 1 label of energy-saving logos. Gradually all light bulbs have been replaced by LED luminaires to reduce energy consumption. They also reduce the generation of harmful waste by replacing traditional luminaires with shorter life cycle. According to the energy saving policies, lighting devices, air-conditioners and printers are temporarily switched off during lunch time to preserve energy. Furthermore, the air-conditioning system has been set to operate only during business hours with temperature maintained at a reasonable level (e.g. 25 degrees Celsius). Energy consumption in 2020 was at approximately the same level as in 2019. Apart from facility control, energy-saving slogans have been posted at office entrances. Water Conservation Measure With regard to the use of water resources, the Group has carried out regular inspection to reduce water consumption. At the same time it formulates monitoring control whereby abnormal water consumption will be investigated. Water conservation slogans are also posted to raise employee awareness of water conservation and to remind employees and visitors to conserve water.