Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 年度報告 37 ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 環境、社會及管治報告 3. 環境、社會及管治表現 (續) 3.1 環境 (續) 3.1.2 資源使用 (續) 節約用水措施(續) 在製造箱版紙過程中,大量廢棄物及有 用纖維會從廢紙中提取,部份有用的纖 維會遺留在水中(「白水」)。集團於清遠 廠內實行白水回用,經白水回收系統處 理後達標的廢水可回收到生產線使用, 以減少廢水的產生及耗水量。此外,集 團亦配置高效的污水處理技術(厭氧技 術),集團藉此設施及技術大大減少耗 水及在污水裡的有害物質的產生。而熱 電站則安裝了冷卻系統把冷凝水回收至 鍋爐循環使用。對廠內的設備進行技術 改造,提高了重複用水率及減少廢水的 排放量。 節約辦公室資源 集團積極提倡電子文件以貫徹無紙辦公 室的概念,使用電腦文件而非紙質版以 減少辦公室紙張耗材的使用。集團亦鼓 勵僱員採取其他公認的管理措施以避免 香港及清遠辦公室過度使用資源,如 (1) 可重複使用餐具取代一次性餐具; (2) 單面印刷紙用作草稿紙; (3) 鼓勵雙面 印刷; (4) 回收辦公室廢紙進行循環利 用;及 (5) 回收並向合資格持牌供應商 退還空墨盒進行循環使用。同時,該等 廢紙及機密文件必須切碎並儲存在回收 站,最後定期交給合資格持牌回收商。 3. ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE PERFORMANCE (Continued) 3.1 Environment (Continued) 3.1.2 Use of Resources (Continued) Water Conservation Measure (Continued) In the process of manufacturing containerboard, lots of wastes and useful fibers would be extracted from waste paper. Parts of the useful fibers would be retained in water (“White Water”). The Group has adopted the reuse of White Water at the Qingyuan Factory. After processing through the White Water recycling system, wastewater reaching the standards would be returned to the production lines for use in order to minimize wastewater generation and water consumption. Moreover, it has also been equipped with effective wastewater treatment technique, anaerobic digestion. With this facility and technology, the Group has greatly reduced water consumption and hazardous substance in the wastewater. The thermal power station has been equipped with cooling system so that condensed water could be recycled for the boiler use. Technological upgrade to the facilities has increased the rate of reusing water and reduced the volume of wastewater emission. Office Resource Conservation The Group actively promotes electronic documentation to implement the concept of a paperless office. Computer files are used instead of hardcopies to reduce the use of paper in offices. The Group also encourages employees to adopt other recognized management practices to avoid excessive use of resources by the Hong Kong and Qingyuan offices such as (1) re-usable eating utensils instead of disposable ones, (2) using single-side printed paper as draft paper, (3) encouraging double-side printing, (4) collecting waste office paper for recycling, and (5) collecting and returning empty ink cartridges to the qualified license suppliers for recycling. Concurrently, those scrap paper and confidential documents must be shredded and stored at the recycling station, and finally passed to the qualified license recyclers on a regular basis.