Annual Report 2020
HOP FUNG GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED 合豐集團控股有限公司 38 ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 環境、社會及管治報告 3. 環境、社會及管治表現 (續) 3.1 環境 (續) 3.1.2 資源使用 (續) 於報告期間,集團業務消耗的主要資源 概述如下: 圖三 3. ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE PERFORMANCE (Continued) 3.1 Environment (Continued) 3.1.2 Use of Resources (Continued) During the reporting period, the key resources consumed in the Group’s operations were summarized as follows: Figure III Total Annual Consumption 年度總消耗量 2020 2019 Resources 資源 二零二零年 二零一九年 Electricity (kWh) 電力(千瓦時) 54,813 52,796 Water (cubic metre) 水(立方米) 1,948,043 2,399,407 Packaging materials (plastic) (tonne) 包裝物料(塑料)(噸) 17 17 Packaging materials (others) (tonne) 包裝物料(其他)(噸) 532 563 Figure IV Consumption Intensity per employee 每位僱員平均消耗強度 2020 2019 Resources 資源 二零二零年 二零一九年 Electricity (kWh/person) (Note 1) 電力(千瓦時╱人)(附註 1 ) 98.06 89.48 Water (cubic metre/person) 水(立方米╱人) 3,484.87 4,066.79 Packaging materials (plastic) (tonne/person) 包裝物料(塑料)(噸╱人) 0.03 0.03 Packaging materials (others) (tonne/person) 包裝物料(其他)(噸╱人) 0.95 0.95 Note: 1. The data of electricity consumption only refers to the volume of purchases from outsiders. The Group mainly generates electricity from coal (refer to Figure II) 圖四 附註: 1. 以上之電力使用量乃為外購電力數 據,本集團主要發電源為煤炭(參考 圖二)