Annual Report 2020

HOP FUNG GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED 合豐集團控股有限公司 40 ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 環境、社會及管治報告 3. 環境、社會及管治表現 (續) 3.1 環境 (續) 3.1.3 環境及自然資源 (續) 綠色製造政策(續) 同時,集團亦設有專門的廢水處理設 施,並建立了明確的污染物處理方法和 作業指導書,實行即時監控設施並將結 果詳細記錄。 集團針對廠內的重點污染控制設施進行 定期的監測,保證設施的正常運行。根 據《中華人民共和國環境保護法》,集團 對清遠廠的建設專案進行了環境影響評 估,並嚴格執行政府排放規定。排放經 處理後的所有污染物均符合監管規定。 3.2 社會 3.2.1 僱傭 除了遵守當地的僱傭法規要求外,集團 亦制訂相關的僱傭政策,保障僱員獲得 公平合理的待遇。 招聘及晉升 集團確保招聘程序符合法律規定且無歧 視。所有應徵者均平等對待。招聘中規 定禁止種族、民族、社會階層、國家、 信仰、殘疾、性別、性傾向、婚姻狀 況、年齡、公會或政黨成員等因素的歧 視。 3. ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE PERFORMANCE (Continued) 3.1 Environment (Continued) 3.1.3 The Environment and Natural Resources (Continued) Green manufacturing Policy (Continued) Concurrently, the Group is also equipped with specialized facilities for wastewater treatment. And it has also established clear pollutant treatments and operating instructions which monitor the facilities on real-time basis and record the results in detail. The Group would carry out regular inspections on the key pollution control facilities to ensure its normal operation. According to the provisions of the Law of Environmental Protection of the People’s Republic of China, the Group makes environmental impact assessment on construction projects in the Qingyuan factory and strictly complies with government emission regulations. All pollutants after processing have been discharged in standards. 3.2 Society 3.2.1 Employment Apart from complying with the local employment regulations, the Group has formulated relevant employment policies to ensure employees are treated in a fair and reasonable manner. Recruitment and Promotion The Group ensures that the recruitment process is in compliance with the legislation and free from discrimination. All candidates have been treated equally. During recruitment, it has been stipulated to prohibit discrimination against factors such as race, ethnicity, social class, nation, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, membership in trade union or political party.