Annual Report 2020
HOP FUNG GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED 合豐集團控股有限公司 48 ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 環境、社會及管治報告 3. 環境、社會及管治表現 (續) 3.2 社會 (續) 3.2.4 勞工準則 集團嚴格禁止僱用童工,僅僱用年齡在 18 歲或以上人員。集團確保沒有發生 強制勞工的情況。 集團於報告期內並未出現任何童工或強 制勞工的情況。 3.2.5 供應鏈管理 供應商行為守則 集團向供應商制訂不同的行為守則以確 保產品質素。禁止其廢紙混有危險廢物 將減少對環境的影響。 此外,集團對挑選供應商制訂一套既定 的準則。在對產品質量、價格、環境保 護及社會責任表現等因素進行評估後, 選擇性價比最高、綜合表現最好的供應 商。除此之外,集團亦建立高於商業利 益的評估體系。有關系統定期評估新供 應商的資質及現有主要供應商的表現。 評估以現場審核及╱或文件審核資格及 合規性的形式來進行。 3. ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE PERFORMANCE (Continued) 3.2 Society (Continued) 3.2.4 Labour Standards The Group strictly prohibits the employment of child labour and only employs individuals aged 18 or above. The Group also ensures no forced labour occurs. During the reporting period, there was no reported case of child labour or forced labour. 3.2.5 Supply Chain Management Supplier’s Code of Conduct The Group has developed various codes of conduct which are communicated to suppliers of the Group, to assure product quality. Prohibition on waste paper being mixed with hazardous wastes would minimize the impact on environment. In addition, the Group has established a set of code of practices in selecting suppliers. After evaluation of factors such as product quality, price, environmental protection and social responsibility performance, the suppliers with the highest performance-to-price ratio and the best overall performance would be selected. Besides, the Group has also established evaluation system for evaluation beyond commercial interest. The system evaluates qualification of new suppliers and performance of existing key suppliers on regular basis. Evaluations are carried out in the form of on-site audits and/or document reviews on qualification and compliance.