Annual Report 2020

HOP FUNG GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED 合豐集團控股有限公司 50 ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 環境、社會及管治報告 3. 環境、社會及管治表現 (續) 3.2 社會 (續) 3.2.6 產品責任 (續) 公平宣傳訊息政策 集團銷售人員在推廣產品時,方可發放 有關已確認的競爭優勢的資訊,不允許 對競爭對手有負面陳述,避免客戶被誤 導。 售後服務政策 客戶服務人員及銷售人員定期對客戶進 行售後回訪,以及透過客戶滿意程度調 查表獲得客戶的改善意見,並立即跟進 售後問題。如產品出現嚴重品質問題, 集團將收回市場上的問題產品。 於報告年度,集團接獲 33 宗(二零一九 年: 66 宗)有關產品質量的投訴。 消費者資料的隱私保護 集團將妥善維護客戶的個人資料。有關 資料已存放於內部特定部門。此外,客 戶資料只能由授權人員查閱。未經允 許,任何人不得擅自複印或私下儲存客 戶資料或將其帶離公司。 集團嚴格遵行相關的法例,報告期內並 無違反產品責任或私隱。 3. ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE PERFORMANCE (Continued) 3.2 Society (Continued) 3.2.6 Product Responsibility (Continued) Fair Marketing Policy The Group’s salespersons are required to disseminate information on the recognized competitive advantage only when promoting the products. Negative description of competitors is not allowed so as to avoid misleading customers. After-sales Service Policy Customer service officers and salespersons would make after-sales visits to customers on a regular basis. The Group would obtain comments for improvement according to results of customer’s satisfaction survey and would follow up after-sales issues immediately. If there are severe product quality issues, the Group would recall the defective products from the market. During the reporting year, the Group received 33 (2019: 66) complaints in relation to product quality. Privacy Protection of Consumer’s Information Personal information of customers would properly be maintained by the Group. Relevant information has been stored at the internal specific department. Moreover, customer information can only be accessed by the authorized personnel. No one is allowed to make own copies of or store privately or get the customer information out of the offices without permission. The Group has strictly abided by relevant regulations, and no violation of product responsibility or privacy was found during the reporting period.