Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 年度報告 51 ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 環境、社會及管治報告 3. 環境、社會及管治表現 (續) 3.2 社會 (續) 3.2.7 反貪污 企業管治 董事會轄下設立不同委員會,如審核委 員會、提名委員會及薪酬委員會,致力 維持高標準的企業管治,以保障股東權 利及權益、其企業價值及問責度。 告密政策 集團已監督操作人員的行為,以保障僱 員的合法權益及公司利益。此外,集團 歡迎僱員舉報任何不合規和不誠實的行 為,而舉報的相關僱員的私隱將會被保 障。 財務審核 集團聘請德勤 • 關黃陳方會計師行為獨 立第三方核數師,對集團的財務賬目進 行審核。這確保集團賬目清晰、準確及 保護了股東的利益。 利益衝突申報 集團規定全體僱員須申報利益衝突,董 事及高級管理層禁止在敏感時期進行集 團的證券交易。 3. ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE PERFORMANCE (Continued) 3.2 Society (Continued) 3.2.7 Anti-corruption Corporate Governance The Board of Directors has set up different commi t t ees , such a s aud i t commi t t ee , nomination committee and remuneration committee, striving to maintain high standards of corporate governance to safeguard shareholders rights and interests, as well as the Group’s value and accountability. Whistle-blowing Policy The Group has supervised the behavior of operating personnel in order to safeguard employees’ legal rights and corporate interests. In addition, the Group welcomes employees to report any non-compliance and dishonest behavior. The privacy of relevant employees who report the issues would be protected. Financial Auditing The Group engages Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu as the independent third-party auditor to audit the Group’s financial accounts. This ensures that the Group’s accounts are clear and accurate, and the interests of shareholders are protected. Declaration on Conflict of Interest The Group stipulates that all employees must declare the conflict of interests. Directors and senior management are prohibited to transact any securities of the Group during sensitive periods.